[22] - A Question Up For Debate

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This fic is a dedication to the anniversary of the video My Negative Thinking, the video that pretty much started this all. It was the video that made me ship Virgil and Logan (before I even knew of the sanders sides ships, I was disappointed when I realized this wasn't the mist popular ship😂) and I suspect that that is the case for many others too

Pure fluff. Only reason you'll be crying is if you get cavities from licking the screen.


(Read: this is set two years after the My Negative Thinking video was posted, so one year into the future)

Virgil found Logan in his room, sitting by his desk and reading peacefully. Just as he had known he would be. He had planned out this evening for weeks, double checked everything and made sure that all the details were perfect. He had even made sure that Thomas wouldn't need them. He'd told all of the others that they weren't allowed to interfere even if a nuclear war started during the evening. Nothing would get in the way of what he had planned.

He gestured for Logan to follow him and he put his book down, bookmark in place. He grabbed Virgil's outstretched hand and he pulled Logan up from his chair.

"Why do you look so nervous dear?" He asked and Virgil heart flutters. He had known that Logan would see that he was nervous, he always did. It was usually a very good thing, Logan was the only one who always knew when he needed reassurance. But right now he almost wished that Logan couldn't sense his nervousness.

"You'll find out if you follow me." He said with a small chuckle and squeezed his hand. "Come with me to the debate room."

They sunk down together and into the debate room. In the middle of the floor Virgil had put a picknick blanket on the floor and on it a basket. Two champagne glasses and a bottle of just that stood beside it. Virgil knew that Logan was more fond of that than wine.

"A surprise date?" Logan asks with a soft smile and Virgil nods.

"We have the whole evening to ourselves." He pointed out. "I have made sure that no one will bother us no matter what happens."

Logan hummed in appreciation, it was rare that they had a night together where they knew for sure they would be left alone and could do whatever they wanted without interruptions. He sat down on the blue picknick blanket, Logan sitting down beside him without letting go of his hand.

"Any reason why we're in the debate room? What gave you this idea?" He questions, a cute half smile playing at his lips. Virgil hopes that he won't figure everything out, because there happens to be two very good reasons for why they are here. Only one of the reasons he can tell him now though.

"Well it was first during the My Negative Thinking video that we filmed together that I realized how I felt about you, and we have spent many nights debating over things together here, so this is a special place to me." He said with a shrug and Logan leaned in and pecked him on the cheek.

"I was slower." He said, shaking his head fondly at the memory. "I didn't understand the nature of my feelings towards you until you kissed me and I realized how much I liked it."

"Yeah, I could practically see the puzzle pieces falling into place in your mind." Virgil said with a giggle, remembering the moment in which he had finally gathered up enough courage to kiss Logan. Luckily the logical trait had kissed him back and after Logan had had a small freak out over realizing that he had the ability to feel romantic feelings they had started going out. In about a month they would celebrate their two year anniversary.

Virgil/Logan | Sanders Sides [One-Shots]Where stories live. Discover now