[8] - Greygender

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I learned about greygender today and I thought it'd be cool if I made a character in a one shot greygender :) I apologise if something is inaccurate, I have researched it but if I make mistakes then pls tell me.

This is gonna be a short one too hehe


Logan was a bit nervous. He had thought about this for a while. He knew that there was no reason to be nervous, and yet he was. It made no sense. Though most feelings he felt when with the anxious side made no sense so he was pretty used to it by now.

"Virgil?" Logan stepped into his boyfriends room, butterflies in his stomach. Virgil hummed as if to announce that he had heard what Logan said and took his headphones of to listen to what Logan wanted him to hear. Virgil taking off his headphones when you talked to him was a big sign of respect, and it warmed Logan to think about.

"I want to tell you something. I admit that I'm a bit nervous about it, although I'm not sure why. It's nothing that will change the way you look at me ...at least I hope so." Virgil was sitting silently, his whole attention on Logan and what he was saying.

"I have been thinking about this for a while, I never told you or anyone about it because I didn't think it was relevant. And I wasn't sure about it either, so I just kept quiet. Didn't really wanna bother anyone about it." Logan paused a second to catch his breath. He wanted to say all this as quickly as possible, before changing his mind about saying it.

"So I've been kind off questioning my ...gender a bit. And I recently found a term fitting. I think, no, I am greygender. You're probably not familiar with the term, so I'll explain it as good as I can." He fell quiet for a second and Virgil nodded, as if trying to tell Logan to keep talking, without using any words.

"As a person who identify as greygender I still feel that I am a male but I also have a weak sense of another gender, which I can't really identify. Or don't really care to identify. I'm still perfectly fine with he/him pronouns, but I'm also fine with all other pronounces. My gender is just not very important to me." Logan smiled a bit. He wasn't used to being nervous and he wasn't used to feeling vulnerable.

"So this doesn't really change anything. I just felt like it is something I should tell you. You are my boyfriend after all. Just ...yeah, I just wanted to tell you. I hope it made sense and that you understand what I mean. And I hope it doesn't change anything between us." Logan quiets and waits for a response. It was helpful that Virgil stayed quiet until he was finished talking but now he would really want him to say something.

"Of course not, I love you. And I'll keep loving you no matter what pronouns you use or which gender you identify as. And I'm glad you had the confidence to tell me. I know how hard it can be to trust someone with such personal information." Virgil said, and Logan smiled, he couldn't help it, this was a big relief.

"I love you too." Logan said and Virgil stood up and embraced him in a hug, placing a kiss on his boyfriends forehead.

"You never need to worry about telling me something, okay?" Virgil said quietly, nuzzling closer to his boyfriends neck. Hugging him was always so comforting, and he just smelled so ...Logan. It was hard to explain. He just smelled safe and home.

"Same goes for you." Logan mumbled. "I'm always here for you if you want to talk about something or if you need help figuring something out."

"Good." Virgil said, and Logan could feel him smile.


I'm so happy that I have such motivation to write (at least in this book) during this break!

Written: 5th & 7th January 2018
Published: 23rd January 2018
Words: 731

Crying???? My godfather is just randomly like "as a birthday gift I'm taking u to London where we can go visit Doctor Who shops and spend money" ????? He's too nice and I'm having a hard time believing this is reality.

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