[49] - Communication

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This is short af and I don't even remember writing it


They did not need any words to communicate their thoughts, especially not in moments like these. They spoke with glances and light touches, gentle kisses and smiles when they thought no one could see.

They kept it a secret, hiding their longing stares as well as they could. Doing their best to not touch too much when they weren't alone.

But it was quite obvious for everyone. The smallest of gestures spoke much louder than actual words. They didn't need to combine any letters and sounds to create words to express what they were feeling. Their feelings and their intentions were quite clear in every little gesture and every shy glance.

Their feelings for each other were clear when they leaned a little too close together while solving a crossword puzzle. When they walked close enough for their arms to brush. When they looked into each others eyes for a little too long. All the smiles that lasted for longer than they should.

If anyone would just look for the clues it was so, so, obvious.

The act of leaving each others rooms early in the morning to not get caught. Making two cups of coffee in the mornings instead of one. Accidentally leaving their clothes on the floor in the others room. Forgetting books on the others bedside table. Voices that spoke in such a soft tone that the sentences could not possibly be spoken to someone other than a lover.

Their feelings showed in the way they looked at the other. In the way they moved around each other. In the way they watched the other walk away, and in the way their eyes shone when seeing the other walk back into the room.

In how Virgil could really see how Logan felt, even when he tired to hide it. In how Logan could instantly notice when Virgil wasn't alright and how he'd always be on his side. In the way they couldn't help but to smile when seeing the, and how they unconsciously leaned into the others space, just to be a little closer. And how they cancelled out each others worst,

And maybe one day they could show the world the love they held for each other. Letting others see the way they spoke without a sound and told each other they loved them without a single word. Maybe one day when they would not be scared of what others would think when looking at them.

But for now they were perfectly content with the simplicity and the complexity of what they had.


Written: 5th, 6th & 7th June 2018
Published: 20th July 2018
Words: 498

Just let me try (and fail) to be a bit poetic lmao

And since y'all found it funny that kiss means pee in swedish:

Fly means escape
Dog means died
Make means husband
God means good (taste wise)

Though we pronounce these words (sometimes very) differently ofc

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