[198] - Wind Turbine Instructions Not Clear, Tie Stuck In Motorized Blades

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Fic idea from my friend Logan

Late fic for virgils birthday

Its fun to make logan the one thats somewhat of a disaster


"L, this is awesome, thank you!" Virgil looked up from the large box he was holding, grinning at his husband who was sitting next to him on his couch, watching him open his birthday present.

"Yeah?" Logan said and Virgil wasn't sure why Logan could possibly need reassurance when the gift had been perfect, but he was happy to give it.

"Yeah!" Virgil said, removing all of the wrapping paper from the big box of lego.

"You wanna help me build it? I'm definitely not waiting until later." Virgil said, completely unable to hide his excitement at all.

"I'd be happy to." Logan said, giving him an undeniably fond look.

He hadn't thought anyone would actually buy him this lego set, he hadn't even put it on his wish list, it was that expensive. He supposed Logan must have remembered when he had found it, because he remembered telling Logan about it with amazement.

Honestly, it wasn't every day you found out that there was a one meter tall lego set of a functioning wind turbine. (And he had also found out you could build a working lego typewriter, and a working lego grandfather clock, and other things that Virgil had never considered could be made out of lego.)

"I can't believe you got me this." He said, looking up at Logan again after having spent a while staring at the box of lego with disbelief and amazement.

"Yes, it was very expensive, but I saw how impressed you were by it and since lego is a hobby you greatly enjoy, how could I not? However, considering the price this is the only gift you're getting today." Logan said and Virgil laughed, that kind of laughter that felt all light in your chest.

"This gift is enough for, like, so many birthdays and christmases." He said, looking down at the box again, his fingers beginning to carefully open it. Logan took the discarded starry wrapping paper, folding it up, maybe to be used again later.

"Do you think we could build all of this today?" Virgil wondered, pulling out crinkling bags of lego and lining them up where there was space on their cluttered living room table.

"I'm not sure, but we do have the entire day to try." Logan said, picking up a few books and dvd's from the table before placing them down again.

"We might as well build this in the office, there's more space there." Virgil said and Logan nodded.

"Just what I was about to suggest." Logan said and they carried the lego and two pillows (to sit or kneel on) into the room that Logan used to teach from home and that Virgil used to build all his lego stuff.

They seated themselves on the floor with the lego, Virgil pulling out the instructions and opening the bags with the lego pieces they were starting with. He placed the instructions between himself and Logan, letting his husband find and piece together the first two pieces.

Logan glanced up at him, catching Virgil watching him with a wide smile.

Virgil had been building lego sets for years, it was a hobby he had started as a teen as it helped his anxiety to have something like that to focus on, plus it was fun. Though while Logan had always actively supported his hobby he had never actually helped Virgil build something, he hadn't asked nor seemed that interested, but Virgil definitely wanted to share this with his husband.

"Alright, you find the piece for step two and I will find the pieces for step three." Virgil said, already carefully pouring out another bag of legos and picking out the ones they would need. They sat together, building for almost an hour, listening to a podcast that the two of them often enjoyed together.

Virgil/Logan | Sanders Sides [One-Shots]Where stories live. Discover now