[37] - Blue Words - (Part Two)

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If u write any analogical fics then tell me and I'll read them!! But warn me if it's angst because sometimes I don't wanna read that

btw no i do not know how american college works at all

And no I do not know anything about dates lol

Warnings: implied/mentioned child abuse (Virgil had a rough childhood)


Virgil: How about we go out for a cup of coffee and a walk by the lake this weekend?

That is the text Logan wakes up to in the morning the day after he met Virgil. It's the first thing he sees when he picks his phone up and it makes him smile at the screen as he goes to his calendar just to see that he has nothing planned during the weekend.

He remember that he has planned to meet his mother this Saturday, just to catch up a little while they both has time. But he is completely free on Sunday and spending parts of the day with Virgil seems like a delightful idea.

Logan: That sounds lovely. I'm free on Sunday, does that work for you?

Almost instantly there is a reply.

Virgil: Works perfect.

Virgil: I'll tell you more about the details later!

Logan: Great. See you then.

There is no reply after that so Logan gets up from his bed, throws his phone on his pillow and begins to change from his pj's into his normal clothes. A date on Sunday. With Virgil. The thought made it tingle slightly from nervousness somewhere in his gut, he had never been on a date before. Hopefully he wouldn't be too awkward.

And hopefully Virgil will have some experience with dating and will know what to do. Will there be hand holding? Are they supposed to kiss? What is he supposed to do if he doesn't know what to say?

He glances over at his sleeping friend in the bed on the other side of the room. The only thing he could see of Roman was his messy hair on his pillow, the rest of him was hidden under a Beauty And The Beast duvet. He poked the lump under the covers with his foot until it groaned and woke up.

"Doesn't your first class start at 8:30 today?" There is a muffled 'yes' as a reply.

"Well it's 7:55 so you better get up." Logan knows very well that Roman needs about 10 minutes to wake up and another ten minutes to get to class. Fifteen if they made coffee in the shared dorm kitchen before leaving. Roman crawls out of his bed while complaining loudly and begins to get dressed.

Logan sighs as his friend picks his clothes up from the floor. No matter how many times Logan would tell him Roman would still just throw his clothes on the carpet instead of folding it on a chair or at least put them on the foot of his bed.

"Alright, Mr Punctual, are we getting coffee before class or not?" He said while suffocating a yawn. Logan glared at him at the use of the nickname, he didn't see the point of having a name if people always called him something else? Roman usually called him 'Logic' and other silly names, Logan usually just rolls his eyes at him or gives him a disapproving look but it only seems to make Roman grin happily.

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