[173] - Midnight Date

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Warnings: mentions homophobia of varying degrees


Growing up in a neighbourhood full of close minded people, a lot of them old, Logan couldn't say he'd been overjoyed when realizing he was gay.  He didn't know of any other queer people living in this small town (except for his boyfriend), there was bound to be some, but hopefully they had the brains to leave here as soon as they could. Logan knew he would, he'd take Virgil with him and they'd start their own life somewhere. 

They'd discussed it many times, what the future would look like. Hopes, fears, the kind of conversation that could only happen in the early morning hours after a night of no sleep as they saw the sky begin to brighten.

Logan's parents weren't horribly homophobic, not like a lot of the kids at school and the older people in church, but he knew that if he came out they would be utterly disappointed in him, and he couldn't see coming out making anything better. They wouldn't be sending him away to conversion therapy, they wouldn't throw him out on the street, or take a way all his things to limit his contact to others, Logan was pretty sure, but that didn't mean coming out would bring anything good.

No, he (and his parents) were likely happier with none of them knowing. Though whenever thinking of the future Logan always felt a nagging feeling, a weight in his gut at the thought of the day his parents would find out, because of course they would know one day. It could not be avoided. 

Either he'd have to come out one day, or he'd have to break contact with his parents almost entirely to continue keeping his identity a secret and neither were any option he wanted to choose.

Logan closed the front door to his house quietly, standing still outside for a moment to hear if there was any sound coming from inside. It would have been near impossible for his parents to hear the click of the door from upstairs, but he didn't want to take any chances. Deciding there was nothing to worry about he hurried down the street, glancing back to see that neither of his family members were chasing after him and wondering where he was going.

The street were deserted, barely any lights shining from the other houses. Their neighbours were mostly old people or families with young kids, people who were usually in bed early and wouldn't notice him outside at eleven. 

Within twenty minutes he had reached the centrum of the little town they lived in, seeing a group of young adults away by the already closed grocery store. He ignored them and continued towards the library, which still was open, but he did not enter and instead stopped by the alley between the library and the abandoned building where there had once been a fabrics store. He spotted a hooded figure standing a few meters away, looking at something on his phone to judge by the light lighting up his face.

"Greetings, Virgil." He said and his boyfriend spun around, relaxing quickly when realizing who was talking. 

"Lo." He pocketed his phone and came up to him, taking one glance over Logan's shoulder to see no one was close by.

Virgil pulled him in for a lingering kiss, one hand firmly placed on his waist and the other cupping his cheek. Logan smiled when they parted, whichever nervousness that had been plaguing him subsiding. There were many things he could worry about, of course, but Virgil had a rather calming effect on him (which was strange as his boyfriend was an incredibly anxious person). And these nights they'd spend together had never before ended with their parents or anyone else finding out about their relationship, it was unlikely that it would tonight.

"What do you want to do?" He asked. They wouldn't be spending their time together standing here in a dark alley. Sometimes they took long walks together. A few times they'd gone and seen a movie at the cinema, which was nice because in the dark no one would see if they held hands. Last summer they'd gone swimming in the lake many nights. The few time either of them had no parents at home they'd have sleepovers where they didn't have to worry about anyone walking in on them kissing or 'acting gay'. 

Virgil/Logan | Sanders Sides [One-Shots]Where stories live. Discover now