[102] - Talk

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Look, I'm salty they’re not listening to or including Logan as much as they should and I will keep complaining about it.

Warnings: logan is feeling a bit low and ignored, otherwise soft, they're soft

Also I am playing an unnecessary amount of 8 Ball Pool and Hay Day lately lol


Apparently Logan really expected no one to notice how he became more and more distant over the course of a week. Every time Virgil would find him it’d be with his face buried in a book, or some video. Virgil felt as if Logan was doing his best to distract himself from ...well, Virgil did not know that part yet.

Whatever it was that was upsetting Logan he clearly did not want to focus on it nor want any one else to know it was bothering him. Virgil had noticed the change in his behaviour though, and he’s worrying about him. How could he not? Anything that might mean his boyfriend is hurting would worry him.

Virgil had meant to talk to him today but it was already evening and he had yet to do so. At least he had the chance now, had had for a while actually.

He'd came to Logan's room about an hour ago, sat down on his desk chair and played a game on his phone. During the whole time Virgil had been there Logan had been sat cross legged on his bed, reading a book that Virgil thought might be about cats from the look of the cover.

Virgil stood up from where he sat, making his way over to his boyfriend, sitting down in the same position as Logan and facing him. Logan did not even look up, making Virgil roll his eyes. He pulled the book he's reading away from Logan, leaned in and pressed a soft kiss to his lips before he could make a noise of complaint, making Logan's eyes flutter shut for a moment. Virgil would never get over how soft his lips were.

Virgil pulled away and Logan smiled a little at him, which was an improvement, before reaching for his book again. Virgil shook his head, grabbing Logan's bookmark, putting it in the book and then placing the book on Logan's nightstand.

"Hey." He said. He wasn't sure how to get the conversation started or how to make Logan talk to him. If Logan didn't want to share his thoughts and feelings then there was nothing Virgil could do. He’d just have to hope for the best.

"Salutations." Logan replied, raising a brow and probably wondering why Virgil would be greeting him now when they've been in the same room for an hour already. "Can I have my book back now?"

"Not until you tell me why I've only seen you with your face down a book every single time I've seen you for the past week. I know it's not only because books are interesting. We've barely talked lately and I can see on you that something is bothering you." Virgil said quickly, revealing what he had on his mind.

"I just want to read." Logan tried. Virgil huffed, giving him a look of disbelief.

"Please. Talk to me, Logan. I recognize an unhealthy coping mechanism when I see it." Virgil said.

"I don't know what you are talking about." Logan said, sounding so sincere that Virgil almost doubted himself. Then he shook those thoughts away. He knew something was up, just not what that something was.

"Logan." He said, one second away from begging. Logan gave him a pleading look, sighing deeply when realizing Virgil was not going to back down.

"I would rather not talk about it." He said.

"And I would rather not have you hurting, yet here we are. Look, I hate talking about feelings just as much as you, it makes me feel vulnerable and maybe the person I'm talking to won't understand. It's still important though, even if it sucks." Virgil said, knowing that everything he said had to resonate with Logan from the sheer fact that what he was saying made sense and Logan knew it was true.

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