[68] - Disaster Gays

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This oneshot is a whole train wreck but that's okay

I hope you're having a good day

(19th october) my mom just hugged me for like 30 seconds or more. She's started hugging me before I leave for school, idk why but I'm certainly not complaining

Warnings: swearing (as always), disaster gays™ like wow

U know what, ima name this oneshot Disaster Gays


"Patton?" Logan knocked on his door, it only took a few seconds before the door opened to reveal the happy dad-like trait. He smiled brightly at Logan, who was already feeling as if this might not have been such a good idea after all.

"Logan! What can I help you with?" He said happily, always loving it when the other sides came to him to talk. Logan stepped inside the other sides room and closed the door behind them, he did not want anyone else to hear this conversation. Hell, he didn't even really want Patton to hear it.

"I have a question, regarding a weird topic, but something told me that you might be able to clarify this." The only reason why he was actually coming to someone for help was that he was so done with being confused that if he did not get clarity he might scream.

"Alright, I'll do my best to help you. Ask away." Patton said, giving Logan an approving and encouraging look.

"Patton, is it possible to... become addicted to another person?" He asked silently, rethinking yet again if it was actually such a good idea for him to come to Patton with such stupid questions. But the internet had not provided him with any answers though, at least not answers that he trusted or understood, and he needed to figure this out.

"What do you mean kiddo?" Patton said, just looking confused. Oh, great. His hands felt a bit clammy and he rubbed them nervously against his jeans. How would he explain this?

"Is it possible to become addicted to another person?" He asked again, slower this time. He supposed he had to give Patton more context if he was going to be of any help, as he needed all the facts when conducting an experiment.

"When I am around... uh, this person, my heartbeat speeds up and I feel weird. I have also discovered that my pupils dilate. And when this person is not around I keep thinking of them and needing their presence. These are symptoms of addiction." He explained, feeling very frustrated when Patton just sat there and stared at him instead of saying anything.

"Well?!" He said, really not liking the silence and the way Patton's eyes were twinkling, as if this was amusing to him, or made him very happy.

"Logan..." Patton began, seeming to speak very carefully as if he was a little bit scared of how Logan would react to his words.

"I think you are experiencing romantic attraction towards someone." He finished and now it was Logan who just sat and stared at Patton.

"But I guess you could call that being addicted to another person." Patton said and laughed, but stopped when Logan didn't laugh with him.

"No... that's not- fuck." Was all Logan said, realizing that that was the answer to his problems that made the most sense. At least he was glad that Patton was not laughing at him, teasing him over his feelings or scolding him for swearing. It was all so obvious now, of course that was what was going on.

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