[168] - An Unplanned Decision

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Mentioned royality

warnings: no

Enjoy :)


"Thanks for joining me, Logan." His friend Patton said after giving him a welcome hug. Logan smiled a little at his friend.

"It's my pleasure, I needed to get out of the apartment anyway, have been sitting inside all weekend." Logan said. It was true, he and his boyfriend had been spending the majority of the weekend watching a new tv show they'd found on Netflix, The Good Place, and Logan was glad to have gotten the chance to go outside and walk for a while, get some fresh air (however fresh the air could be in the city).

The destination he had arrived at to meet Patton was right outside a jewelry store, Patton having asked if Logan wanted to come with him when he tried to decide on a fitting anniversary gift for his husband. Even though Logan did not think he would be of much help with this decision he'd still gladly accepted the offer to spend some time with his friend. 

"Let's go inside, I think I have a pretty good idea of what I should get Roman." Patton said, leading the way inside. He bee-lined to a corner of the store where earrings were being shown off and Logan followed him. 

"Wow, Logan, look at all these." Patton marvelled, immediately starting to point at different ones that he thought Roman would like. They were all extravagant enough to seem fitting for Roman, that Logan would agree on.

"Oh, this pair is pretty..." Patton said, pointing at a pair of earrings consisting of droplet shaped red gems, "these are really pretty."

The pair in question were exactly the kind of frivolous thing his friend would love, Roman was about as extra as anyone could be, whenever he had the chance.

"Hang on a moment." Patton said, going over to a clerk who was standing nearby and beginning to ask questions.

Logan turned around in the shop, looking to see if there was anything interesting in there at all. Logan wasn't very into wearing jewelry, especially not anything too big or too bright, and neither was his boyfriend, so he did not expect to be particularly interested by anything.

But he was soon proven wrong when his eye caught sight of a counter to his right that was showing off a multitude of engagement rings and wedding bands. Logan cast a glance at Patton who was still busy talking to the woman owning the shop and he walked up to the rings. He really had no plan to propose any time soon, it was not something that he had thought much about. 

But he was convinced Virgil was the man he would spend the rest of his life with if the choice was his, that he had known for a long time, and looking at these engagement rings couldn't hurt.

They were certainly beautiful, most of them gold or silver bands embedded with gems in any color one might think of that sparkled in the light from the ceiling light and the sun that shone in through the window.

Logan was almost a bit disappointed, sure, these were beautiful, but most weren't suitable for his boyfriend (not that he was planning on buying one). He knew Virgil didn't want anything too big, Virgil had told him so himself after Roman and Patton had gotten engaged and come to show off their rings, which were quite extravagant.

(Roman and Patton were that gay couple who had both proposed at the same time, and they loved to tell the story to anyone who would listen.)

Logan paid extra attention to the rings with purple gems, because he knew that was his boyfriends favorite color, that was clear to see even for someone who hadn't been in a relationship with him for several years. Logan picked up a ring, looking closer at it. It was beautiful, a black silver band embedded with purple gemstones, but it was far too frivolous.

He put it back down, his gaze drawn to another one that was... more fitting, definitely. It was also made of black silver, but thinner and embedded with small, round amethyst gemstones around the whole ring, a slightly bigger gemstone that Logan figured was a violet diamond based on the difference in shade.

Could he see himself asking Virgil to marry him with this ring? Logan almost became flustered right there in the store, imagining an actual proposal. He'd of course always assumed they'd get engaged and married in the future, but this was the first time he was envisioning actually going through with a proposal.

But he did want this, he realized. The thought of proposing was a bit daunting, he'd admit, but at the same time it felt right. They'd been dating for seven years, it certainly was not too early to propose. 

"Hello sir, do you need any assistance?" An employee asked, having appeared next to Logan during the time he'd been lost in thought. He hoped he didn't look too startled.

"Yes, actually. Could you tell me what you know about this engagement ring, and how much it costs?" He asked, the last part of the answer almost being drowned out by Patton who had walked up on his other side and gasped loudly upon seeing what Logan was looking at. At least he did find out that he had been correct in his assumption that the gems were amethysts and that the middle gem was a violet diamond, and it was pricey but not excessively so.

"Alright, thank you." He said to the employee, then looking over at Patton who looked excited enough to burst. He silenced him with a look, not knowing how to explain that he just decided on buying an engagement ring out of nowhere, and not especially interested in talking about it in general, at least not before he had actually gone through with proposing.

It didn't take long after that before both he and Patton had paid for the things they were getting, Logan also getting a ring box for the engagement ring, appropriately purple.

"I can't believe you're finally going to get... engayged." Patton said, laughing at his own joke for longer than what Logan thought necessary.

"Right, well… I hope it goes without saying that you cannot tell anyone. Including Roman." Logan said.

"You're asking too much from me, Logan, you know I tell him everything. I can't keep anything from him, he's my husband." Patton said while holding the door to the store open for him, and Logan knew that was true. Knowing Patton he had already somehow texted Roman about it.

"As long as no one except for Roman finds out, then." Logan corrected himself.

"You have my word. Now tell me how you're going to propose! And when!” Patton exclaimed. Logan of course didn't have any of that figured out yet as this purchase happened on a whim, which meant Patton was going to try and help him come up with a plan. 

"You will surely be told the story after I've gone through with the proposal." Logan said to steer away from the topic and Patton awed in disappointment.

"Are you nervous, though?" Patton asked.

"Slightly, of course, but I find it unlikely that Virgil would say no."

"Oh, he'll definitely say yes. Gosh, I'm really happy for you two." Patton said, nudging Logan with a grin and Logan found himself smiling too.

"So am I."


Written: 20th, 21st, 23rd, 24th, 26th & 27th March
Published: 21st April 2020
Words: 1371

Oh also, news time, my parents are probably getting divorced (which honestly, I'm not upset about that lol, my mom deserves this)

believe it or not that oneshot I wrote about logans parents fighting actually has nothing to do with my family's situation lol (cant call it fighting if only one person is arguing/yelling, right?)

Also I'm having my second month of practice work soon, so I'll be away working on a ship from 27/4 to 28/5, and this time I will not have any wifi )):

so idk how much I'll be online since I'll have to live off of 2 GB data for a month (':

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