[81] - The Stars Shine The Clearest At Two Am

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So, me, wifey and our kiddos had a secret santa thing. This is my gift lol.

Merry christmas Peaches, kiddo! I got you for our secret santa thingy, so I wrote you this! Hopefully you will like it :)

Also, I will post this on Wattpad too, though after it has been sent to you ofc.

Warnings: uh nah, literally so much kissing tho lol

Human AU




"Logan..." The voice that mumbled out his name dragged out the 'n' and he felt himself being poked on the shoulder repeatedly, and he had no choice but to be pulled from unconsciousness.

Logan forced his eyes open, looking for the source of the voice whining out his name. He didn't need his glasses to recognize the person standing by his bed (then again who else would it be than the man he had shared home with for the last three years). Logan groaned, why in the world would Virgil wake him up? It was certainly a rare occurrence that Virgil left bed before Logan did, no matter what day it was. Virgil had slept until 11 yesterday. On Christmas day. Though Logan did not know if it actually was morning yet.

"Virgil?" Logan blinked up at the male, wondering if it would be rude to simply tell him to leave and then sleep for another while. Then again Virgil might be in need of assistance, and he of course would not deny him that. He reached a hand up to Virgil, which said male took, and Logan was helped into a sitting position.

"Are you in need of assistance, my love?" He said, ignoring how his voice was thick with sleep and how mumbled the sentence came out. Virgil had picked Logan's glasses up and were now carefully pushing them onto his face.

"Come with me." Was all Virgil said. Logan would've worried if he had not noticed the unmistakable tone of excitement in his voice that was present even if Virgil was trying to sound casual. Logan was pulled to his feet by Virgil, and he instantly shivered, grabbing a blanket which he wrapped around himself before following Virgil. Looking out the window he guessed it was probably the middle of the night still.

He wondered why Virgil was up. He could clearly recall his boyfriend saying that he was working on his sleeping schedule, and even though Logan did not know what time it was he was fairly certain that it was about two hours later than a decent time to go to bed. Logan decided to not point this all out to Virgil, instead he let himself be dragged through their house and quietly wondered what Virgil was up to as they got to the front door.

"Put your shoes on." Virgil commanded, and Logan huffed and did so, and Virgil only gave him a vague shrug and a smile as if to tell him that if he wanted to know what he was up to then Logan would have to just do as he said.

The air was chill, it couldn't be many degrees outside. Then again it was December, and late at night too. Logan pulled the blanket tighter around himself, thinking that taking a jacket might've been a wise choice. Virgil was still in his day clothes, aka, wearing his warm hoodie while Logan was wearing his pajamas, a pair of thin pajama bottoms and a t-shirt.

Virgil started walking along the wall of their house, disappearing around the corner. Logan followed him to their backyard. This was one of he plus sides of living fairly far away from the city in a minor town, they had been able to find a quite nice home, and it was actually nearly quiet at night. Not too much background noise from cars, planes and loud neighbors.

"I know it's late, or early, depending on how you see it. And I know you're probably tired from all the Christmas celebrations. Possibly, this is not the best moment for me to do this, but the sky has never been clearer." Virgil said, and Logan automatically looked up, and Virgil was absolutely right. The sky was beautiful, millions of stars shone up above them, and the longer Logan stared the more stars appeared and enriched the view.

Virgil/Logan | Sanders Sides [One-Shots]Where stories live. Discover now