[79] - Cuddles

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Something short and sweet

Also while writing this I misspelled Virgil's name in a new way: Virgul


He is cold, it felt as if the ice from the December weather had spread through his room. Virgil cursed himself for forgetting to turn the radiator on. He was stupid to turn it off earlier that same day, his room having been too hot then. Or, Virgil had been sitting and watching Netflix while wearing his hoodie, a pair of knitted socks over his normal purple ones, and he had also wrapped every blanket he owned around himself.

This had of course resulted in him becoming slightly overheated and he'd turned the radiator off. Sadly he had also forgotten to turn it back on again after leaving his room. A solution to this was of course to spend the night somewhere else, say, Logan's room perhaps?

Then again, he would use anything as a reason to get cuddles from his boyfriend.

Normally he wasn't always the biggest fan of being touched, sometimes it was just too much for him to handle. Often when he woke up alone in the mornings it took him a while before he was okay with someone touching him. Virgil didn't know why, but unexpectedly being touched by anyone too early in the mornings, even if it was a hug, made him weirdly uncomfortable. It activated his flight or fight responses and the person was often shoved away.

It was different if he woke up together with Logan though, then it was as if his body was already used to the closeness of someone else. But, during the whole day today Virgil had been craving affection more that he usually did. So of course he now, already wearing his pajamas, made his way towards Logan's room, stopping outside his door, not wanting to enter without permission. Virgil knocked on the door, awaiting the response that came a second later.

"Come in."

Virgil opened the door and stepped inside, then closing it behind himself. Virgil quickly spotted Logan, he was in bed already, sitting up with his back against the headboard and a book in his hands. He smiled at the sight of his boyfriend, and Logan returned it, but also tilting his head slightly as if asking a question.

"My room is cold ...and I want cuddles." Virgil admitted, and Logan let out a small noise of understanding. The two of them usually kept their affection to only the two of them and rarely cuddled or kissed outside of either of their rooms. Though Virgil had learned pretty early on in their relationship that Logan could be very sappy when he wanted to.

"Well, you are always welcome here." He said, and Virgil quickly made his way up to Logan's bed, climbing into it. He sat down next to Logan, who wrapped an arm around him, then turned his head to press a quick kiss to Virgil's cheek. Virgil ducked his head, trying to hide the blush that was surely spreading over his face.

Logan chuckled at the sight of him, then pressed another kiss to the top of his head. Virgil cursed Logan's ability to leave him flustered, it was not fair. He sighed and leaned his head on Logan's shoulder, not bothering to try and hide his face, Logan was already well aware of the effect his affection had on Virgil.

"What are you reading about?" He wondered, stifling a yawn. Logan hummed questioningly, then seemingly remembering the book he had in his lap.

"Ah, it is called Astrophysics For People In A Hurry by Neil Degrasse Tyson. It is awfully fascinating. I'd tell you to give it a read, but I suppose there are books you'd rather read." Logan said, smile twitching on his lips. Virgil huffed out a laugh, Logan was right, of course. It did not seem like a book that he would read for fun.

Logan apparently did not seem to think that he'd been getting any more reading done tonight, because he put the bookmark (an old receipt for coffee that Logan had used as a bookmark for months) in the book, closed it and placed it on the nightstand.

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