[143] - Teach Me

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Sentence prompt (from -mind_control): "Do you think you could teach me... how to love?"

99.9% sure it's absolutely nothing like what u had in mind but well that's the wonder of sentence pronpts haha

Warnings: nah


Logan knocked on Roman's door with the feeling of regret already creeping up at him. The door swung open and he was met with Roman, giving him a confused and almost suspicious stare. That did not make him feel any better about his decision.

"What's up, nerd? I don't often find you outside my door." He said, stepping aside and presumably inviting Logan into his room. Logan drew a slow breath, hands pressed together tightly as he hesitated. This was his last chance to decide this was a dumb idea, he could tell Roman that he changed his mind, or figured it out himself, or say that he only came to remind him that it was his turn to do the dishes today.

But instead of doing any of those things he stepped into Roman's room and the door was closed behind him. Roman was clearly waiting for an answer and Logan supposed that if he was not turning back he might as well get it out with.

"Do you think you could teach me... how to love?" Logan said, definitely not as confidently as he would have liked, but he still asked and that's got to count for something.

"What? Teach you how to- Wow, Logan, never thought I'd hear you ask me that! But, um, yeah, of course I'll try to help. But can I ask a question?" Roman babbled, clearly not having expected that to be what Logan had came there for, and Logan stubbornly stared at him.

"Yes. Go ahead." He said, hoping that the question wasn't going to be difficult to answer.

"Why do you all of a sudden want to learn how to love?" He said and Logan pushed his glasses up before clasping his hands together yet again.

"The simple answer is; Virgil." Logan said, thinking that was a sufficient enough answer but knowing that Roman would not agree. Roman raised his brows and blinked, not saying anything at first and instead simply stepping backwards and sitting down on his bed.

"Oh? And why would our dear Virgil have you asking me to teach you how to love?" Roman asked, and Logan got the sudden urge to avert his eyes so he didn't have to look at Roman. Did everyone else feel this embarrassed to talk about these sort of things or was it just him who had developed a fault?

"Well, he... I'm not quite sure. Virgil just has me wishing that- Okay, I cannot quite explain it. Virgil just causes me to, uh, want to love him?" Logan said, feeling how he became more nervous by the second. He was not sure at all how he'd gotten the idea to talk to Roman about all this. But he needed advice.

Logan supposed he was desperate, but that he did of course not mention out loud.

"Why do you want to love him?" Roman asked, for once not sounding too interested or suspicious or too excited, he was calm and quietly awaiting Logan's response. It didn't make Logan much less nervous.

"I- I don't-" Logan started, stumbling over his words and writhing his hands together. His thoughts were jumbled when it came to Virgil, and really articulating them was difficult.

"Hey, take your time. Sit down, breathe, and explain as well as you can. I'll phrase the question differently; what about Virgil makes you want to love him?" Roman said, patting the space on his bed next to where he was sat.

Logan walked up to Roman and sat down next to him, slightly surprised at how helpful Roman was really being. Or that he was trying to help him at all. Asking himself why he wanted to love Virgil was a good way to go when it came to figuring himself out he supposed.

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