[158] - Napkin Numbers

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Warnings: none

Human au


Logan took a sip from what might be his seventh cup of coffee, thinking that perhaps he had consumed enough coffee for today about three cups ago,while his eyes scanned the words on his computer screen for the hundredth time.

He had thought that once it calmed down in the coffee shop where he was then he'd be able to concentrate better and getting on with his writing, but that did not seem the case right now. He found himself stuck, only deleting sentences he felt were out of place instead of actually adding anything to his text.

He took another sip of his drink, hoping that the caffeine would spark ideas in his mind. Though the problem was not a lack of ideas, Logan had way too many already, his struggle lay in connecting it all together. 

Perhaps if he actually got up from his seat in this coffee shop and took a small walk or put his mind to something else then his focus would return, but Logan simply lacked the energy to do so. He was quite comfortable where he was, plus he worried that once he came back the shop would once again be busy with other people there for drinks.

He was actually the only person in right now, if the barista (who was currently wiping one of the tables where a particularly loud group of boys had been sat a while ago) wasn't counted. The barista who was partly why he came here on Wednesdays and Thursdays, it was always quite empty during the day while most people were working and it helped Logan's focus to get out of his apartment sometimes. Though there were other reasons too.

Logan put his cup down, stretched his arms high above his head and leaned his head back, sighing. Then he let his arms fall back down and he repeatedly tapped at the keyboard of his laptop, making a long line of h's.

"Can I take your cup?" A voice from behind him asked and Logan near jumped. He glanced at the barista, then at his cup which was empty yet again. 

"Yes, sure. Could I get another coffee?" Logan asked, disregarding the inner voice who asked him if he should consume more coffee. 

"Is that really wise? You're already way above the bar on how much coffee someone should drink in one day and I'm afraid I might have to cut you off soon." The barista said, keeping a healthy distance as if he was afraid of how Logan would respond. Logan didn't judge him by that, he knew exactly how customers could act. Any job having to do with customer service was hell.

"You are correct, I suppose." Logan admitted. The man looked down at Logan's computer screen and Logan fought the urge to cover up the screen so no one could look.

"You're writing a book? How old are you?" The man asked, then seemingly remembering that he was talking to a stranger because he muttered out a 'sorry' and looked like he wished to make a quick exit.

"I'm twenty four, and yes I am writing a book." Logan said, doing his best not to immediately launch into a detailed description of the plot, which he was always tempted to do whenever the conversation strayed the way of his books.

"Isn't that pretty young?" He asked and Logan shrugged.

"I wouldn't say so, people of all ages writes books. Though I am young to have had two books published as a survey found the average age an author publishes their first book is at the age of thirty six." Logan said, realizing towards the end of his sentence that these statistics were likely not terribly interesting for this stranger to hear.

"Damn. Written anything I've heard of?" He asked and Logan told him the name of his series, but the barista didn't seem to have heard of it before now.

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