[72] - Why

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honestly how is it that every time I go back and read my own oneshot I find another spelling mistake? Or, usually, more than one???

Doesn't matter how many times I read it, I'll still discover an error


If he didn't do it now he might never.

That was what Logan was thinking as he, with his heart beating quicker than it normally did, observed Virgil. The anxious trait in question was sat on the couch, a book in his hands and the eventual smile tugging at his lips when something eventful happened in the fantasy world. Logan pulled himself out of his thoughts, just standing there was of no use. Also Virgil would surely find it creepy if he saw him stand there staring. Logan took a deep breath, slowly exhaling and then walking across the room.

He sat down on the couch next to Virgil, the other side looked up from his book, eyes scanning his face. Virgil’s eyes lingered on Logan’s mouth for a second, or maybe that was just Logan’s imagination.

Now or never.

He leant in close, stopping for a moment to give Virgil the option to stop him, but he did nothing so Logan gently pressed his lips to Virgil's. He could feel Virgil’s hand being placed on his shoulder, the touch was somewhat hesitant, but Virgil kissed back, and that was all that Logan needed.

He let both his hands cup Virgil’s face, considered following his urge to deepen the kiss, but instead he pulled back and reopened his eyes, looking at Virgil. Virgil’s eyes fluttered open a second or two later, he blinked, almost looking a little dazed. He seemed to be unable to find his voice, and Logan couldn't blame him.

"Why?" Was what Virgil finally managed to get out, his voice laced with confusion and disbelief. Even Logan, with his limited understanding of emotions, could clearly see how confused Virgil were by the most recent events.

"Why you? Or why'd I kiss you?" Logan asked, wanting to clarify what exactly it was that Virgil wanted to know.

"...Both?" Virgil said after another moment of silence. Logan thought over his response for a second. He'd hoped that the kiss would have made it clear to Virgil that he liked him more than he should so he wouldn't have to spell it out, but he wasn't that fortunate.

"Well, evidently it has been known that a kiss is a good way to show your affection for the someone you hold feelings for, and I have developed a rather strong attachment towards you. I had hoped that kissing you would clarify that." Logan said, and Virgil stared at him. His lips were slightly parted, and Logan felt awfully tempted to kiss him once again.

"Oh." Virgil said, and Logan couldn't tell if that was positive or negative. He'd started to feel terribly nervous now, which he suspected was to be expected in such a situation like this.

"I am hoping that you feel similarly, but if you don't that is perfectly fine, I won't force you into anything." Logan continued, hoping that Virgil wasn't feeling pressured, and wondering if this had been the best of ideas after all. But Virgil did not show any sign of regret or discomfort, so Logan supposed there was no reason to lose hope.

Then Virgil smiled, there was a hint of a smirk in it, a twinkle of mischief in his eyes. And then Virgil's lips were on his again, Logan practically melted into the kiss, easily letting himself disregard any thought that was not related to Virgil. Sometimes Logan felt like he couldn't think as clear near Virgil, but at the moment he couldn't say that bothered him much. Virgil pushed Logan back slightly, the two if them not fully parting before he spoke up.

"Is that enough of an answer?" Virgil murmured, every word making their lips brush against each other once again. His hand was warm against Logan’s neck, and a shiver ran down his spine. He wasn't sure Virgil noticed it, but if he did he didn't show it.

"Yeah," Logan breathed, willing his mind to at least try to focus on something else than the kiss they'd just shared, "but I wouldn't mind if you elaborated."

Virgil laughed, a wonderful sound that made it impossible not to smile, then Logan brought their lips together again, looping his arms around Virgil's waist and pulling him closer.


Written: 6th, 7th & 8th October 2018
Published: 9th November 2018
Words: 793

Uhhhh yeah it's short

Okay so idk about having an Q/A but like ask questions here, leave a comment on this sentence if you have anything to ask, and I'll just reply to them lol, it's easier

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