[100] - Home

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Can you believe this is oneshot 100 tf

human au

Warnings: nope, much fluff, pure, wholesome™

Summary: Logan works at sea (like on cargo ships and stuff) and comes home after a long while away from home


The taxi slowed down, coming to a stop outside of the house that Logan hadn't seen in three months. His heartbeat had sped up as soon as the driver had driven onto their street.

He paid the driver, taking all of his baggage and doing his best to keep himself from running up to the house even if he didn't really have a reason not to run to see the two people he had missed every second since he had left.

Sure, he had been able to send an email home every day, and a few times a week he also got the chance to call them on a satellite phone. He'd gotten to hear of all the latest interesting (and sometimes not so interesting) events at daycare from Roman, and all of the other news from Virgil.

He had missed his husband and his son so very much while at sea. He hated to be away for so long, but it was clear that the longer the time at sea the more he was paid, for obvious reasons. At least he now had three months at home with his family.

That was certainly what Logan though was the best part of his job, all the free time. With a normal job you'd go home every evening and spend the night at your own home. At sea you spent weeks or months at work, you can't go home while in the middle of the ocean. Therefore when he did get home from work he got just as long time at home as he had spent at sea.

Logan put his backpack and bag down beside him on the ground. He knocked on the door, only a second later hearing quick running steps, no doubt from his and Virgil's son.

Logan saw the door handle being pushed down a little bit, the four year old seemingly struggling a bit to push the handle down. Then the door was pushed open and revealed his son who stood in the doorway. Roman stared at him for a few seconds before understanding who was in front of him.

"DAD!" He yelled with a huge grin, throwing himself at Logan and clinging to him as if his life depended on it.

"Hello, my little prince." Logan said, just a little bit choked up. He hugged him close, lifting him up in his arms and taking two steps into the house, not bothering to close the door. He pressed a kiss to Roman's cheek, making him giggle.

He held the little boy close, squeezing him as tight as he could without risking to hurt him.

"Logan." A breathless voice said, and Logan's eyes fell on the blurry figure of his husband. He blinked away the wet in his eyes, smiling warmly at Virgil and feeling as if he had just added ten years to his life simply from finally seeing his family again. He kneeled down on the floor, trying to make Roman first of all let go of the tight grip around his throat and second of all stand on the floor.

Virgil walked past him, letting Logan have a moment with Roman while he brought Logan's baggage inside and closed the door. Logan placed both his hands on Roman's shoulders.

"Why don't you run away and play with your toys for a moment while I say hello to dada?" Logan said quietly, then running a hand through Roman's hair, making it fall down over his eyes. His son pouted at him, holding onto his arm and still seeming very reluctant to let go. Logan refused to acknowledge the lump in his throat.

"I won't disappear, I promise. I'm going to be home for a long time now, okay? Pinky promise?" Logan said softly. Roman brightened up a bit, nodding and holding his small hand out. They linked their pinkie fingers and Roman leaned forward to kiss Logan's hand.

“Now it's unbreakable! My friend Patton showed me that!” He said excitedly before turning around to do as Logan had told him to. Logan watched as Roman ran out of the room, barely having stood up again before being pulled around by Virgil, his husband's arms around him immediately.

He couldn't blame Virgil for hugging him tight enough to squeeze the life out of him, because he was hugging him back just as tightly. Virgil pressed his face into the crook of Logan's neck, hands gripping to the fabric of his shirt. Logan wouldn't be able to escape his hold even if he tried.

Not that Logan wanted Virgil to let go of him. Instead he stood still for probably more than a whole minute, simply relishing in the amazing feeling of finally being with his family again.

Virgil slowly let go of Logan enough for them to actually face each other. Logan could hear what sounded like a lot of lego being poured out on the floor from Roman's room. Logan let out a content sigh at the fact that he was at home with his husband and his son again, with a smirk noting that Virgil wore one of Logan's shirts under his beloved hoodie.

“Hi.” Virgil said, kissing him and making Logan's knees go a bit weak.

“Hi.” Logan echoed, hands slowly moving up Virgil's back, holding him as close as humanly possible.

“I've missed you.” Virgil said softly, pressing a kiss to the corner of his mouth, then right onto Logan's lips. “Every day.”

“I’ve missed you too, love.” Logan said, pressing their mouths together in a slow kiss. Virgil let out a happy sigh, one hand cupping Logan's cheek and the other one placed on the small of his back.

Logan pressed a kiss to Virgil's temple, never getting enough of being this close to him, especially after not having been home for so long. Virgil pressed his face into Logan's shoulder, relaxing against him and mumbling something.

“What?” Logan asked, running a hand through Virgil's hair and kissing the top of his head. Virgil looked up at Logan, scrunching his nose.

“You smell like boat.” Virgil said, clearer this time.

“I know. It's going to be nice to shower at home.” He said as Virgil cupped Logan's face in both his hands, staring at him as if he tried to see if any bit of him had changed since they saw each other last time. Logan smiled at him, it was impossible not to.

“I'm never letting you leave again.” Virgil said with an exaggerated (and adorable) pout. Logan wished that was a promise Virgil could make, but sadly they did have new bills to pay every month.

Quick steps came toward them, slowing next to the two of them. He felt something hitting his leg repeatedly. Logan ignored that for as long as he could, at least until Roman started to poke his side with whatever toy it was he had.

“Dad, dada, come look at what I built with my legos!” He said and Logan managed to tear himself away from Virgil. Roman waved a toy sword around while at the same time trying to pull Logan towards his room.

Logan grabbed Virgil's hand, then crouching down and putting an arm around Roman, lifting him up while trying to avoid being hit in the face with the plastic sword. Logan kissed Roman's cheek again, not planning on letting go of either child nor husband any time soon.

“Alright, Ro, lets go look at what you built, yeah?” Logan said as Roman leant his head on his shoulder and put his arms around his neck, letting the sword fall to the floor. He could hear Virgil bend down to pick it up again.

Logan glanced back, catching Virgil smiling very softly at the two of them as they walked to Roman's room.


Written: 28th & 29th March 2019
Published: 31st March 2019
Words: 1396

Sophisticated thought of the day: Hnnnnnng parental analogical

Again, 100th oneshot????? I feel like I've written a lot of words by now,,, lol

I'm happy to have you all here with me.

You're all my children, my kiddos.

And my friends. I love you guys

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