[92] - Freckles

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Hnng we all love a freckle-y boy

Warnings: Verge is self conscious, a bit of anxiety, but like, all fluff


Virgil stared at his reflection in the mirror that he was stood in front of. His own pair of brown eyes stared back, judging him for caring so much about such small things. He noted that his hair was a mess, as it usually was after having woken up. His bed hair was horrendous, yet it was not what he disliked the most about his appearance.

No, his face was covered in horrid dots that made him look ...different.

He happened to be plagued by freckles that scattered over his face, and even down on his shoulders and arms as if having them all over his face wasn't bad enough. None of the other sides had freckles, and neither did Thomas, so Virgil found this whole thing extremely unfair.

He disapproved greatly of them. There was a reason why he always wore long sleeves and makeup.

In the beginning he hadn't been this self conscious about them, but he always covered them up anyway since as Anxiety he had always needed to look frightening to get them to listen to him. No one could look particularly scary while covered in freckles, so, he had hid them.

Virgil no longer had to inflict fear to be listened to, but yet after all the time hiding how he really looked he got increasingly anxious about showing the others what he actually looked like. He was accepted by them now, more than accepted. He was part of, what Patton called it, the famILY.

He had even managed to (not without hyperventilating) confess his romantic feelings to Logan and the nerd had reciprocated them, and ever since then the two of them had been dating. He had been so happy during the weeks they had been together, Logan caused him infinite joy.

Though since he needed to constantly hide his awful freckles the two of them had not shared a bed even once, Virgil did not want to have to sleep in his makeup. Luckily Logan didn't seem to care about sharing a bed and he'd never have to come up with an excuse as to why Logan couldn't stay in his room over the night.

He could not fully get used to the fact that he had someone who actually held romantic feelings for him. It was wonderful, and a bit scary, but he never wanted it to end. And he did not want to ever give Logan a reason to want it to end. The other sides were all used to how he looked, which made Virgil feel that he couldn't just come downstairs one morning without any makeup on. It was simply something he could not do without causing himself to feel an excessive amount of anxiety just thinking of it.

It might seem trivial, a tiny insignificant problem that should not be this much of a bother. Virgil knew that, the rational part of his mind had pointed that out several times, that they wouldn't hate him just because he'd hidden his freckles from them. But the anxiety driven part of him had whispered quietly that ‘wasn't hiding how he looked just like lying’? And ‘will they be happy knowing that he had concealed who he was’?

Virgil also had a recurring thought that asked him exactly what their reaction would be if they saw him with no makeup and all of his freckles on display. Would they even care? Would they notice immediately or would it go unnoticed at first? Would they dislike them as much as Virgil did? What if they ridiculed him for being the only one with freckles?

It was stupid, so very stupid. But he couldn't shake the thoughts nor his stupid, so very stupid worrying. All of these thoughts and the anxiety over the possibility of him being seen by the others without his makeup had caused him to slowly become more and more self conscious about the oodles of dots that were scattered over his skin.

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