[187] - Hey

600 42 55

Prompt from prompt generator lol

Warnings: swearing but otherwise no

Soulmate au :)

A lot of things could have been done for this prompt but i went with this, anyway if anyone else writes it tell me lol, i wanna read


Virgil wasn't exactly very happy about being dragged to the aquarium with his two friends, but here he was anyway because no one in the entire universe was strong enough to say no to Patton. And sadly, he didn't have anything better to do.

"Oh, Verge, look at this one! It's so creepy." Patton took a careful step back as a slimy-looking fish swam closer to the glass, tight grip to his boyfriends hand. 

Not that Virgil was a very mushy and lovey-dovey person who dreamed about finding his own soulmate, but sometimes when he saw his two friends, who had been fortunate enough to find each other years ago, Virgil thought that having someone to hold hands with wouldn't be the worst thing ever.

"Come on, I want to look at the squids! Also I promised to take some photos for Remus, he's really into squids and octopuses lately." Roman said, pulling slightly at Patton's hand and sending an encouraging smile to Virgil.

"I want to look at pizza." Virgil said, feeling increasingly hungry and not very interested in either fish or octopuses.

"But can you even afford to buy pizza?" Roman asked as they walked towards a room with a sign of a squid. Or an octopus, Virgil didn't know the difference.

"...No." Virgil admitted, crossing his arms over his chest. With Patton and Roman walking around holding hands and looking all happy together it was slightly difficult for Virgil not to feel like he was a third wheel. That's what happened when his two friends were a couple. It kind of sucked, a lot of the time it felt like he was interrupting time they could be spending alone together.

Even if he knew that wasn't the case. They were great at not making Virgil feel left out, having no problem with pulling him in too for cuddles on movie nights, never cancelling plans to have a date, nothing like that. They were actually the best friends anyone could wish for, but Virgil's brain was a little anxiety-ridden bitch.

"Hey, this one's cool!" Roman said, showing the two a tank that Virgil first thought was empty until Roman showed him how the squid, or maybe octopus or whatever, was almost camouflaged to the surroundings. Now, that was a superpower Virgil had often wished he had.

"So what's even the difference between squids and octopuses? Aren't they all just slimy and tentacle-y?" Virgil asked, watching with amusement as Roman struggled to take a picture without his own reflection visible in the glass to the tank.

"I have no idea. Whatever these are they're kinda cute though! Like that stuffed squid toy where you can sort of flip it inside out and it will switch moods." Patton said with a smile, having already moved to another one full of smaller squids.

"Yeah." Virgil said although he couldn't see the resemblance much at all.

"Oh, Roman, can we go see if they have those in the gift shop! Pretty please?" Patton asked and Virgil didn't need to look at Roman to know he'd already given in.

"Of course, Pat. Virgil, do you want to come?" Roman asked but for whatever reason that Virgil himself wasn't sure of he shook his head. It just didn't seem that fun to stand around watching them be all cute in the giftshop. And Virgil couldn't afford anything in there anyway. Damn, he needed a job.

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