[147] - Icy

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Human au, real winter au (aka there's snow and ice and cold, not that weird florida winter)

Warnings: one mention of the possibility to crack ones skull open, a hurt elbow


Virgil hurried down the street, not actually being in a hurry, but the weather was cold, it having been below zero degrees Celsius (thirty-two Fahrenheit) for several days now. Virgil was definitely not dressed as warm as he should, having thought that since he wasn't going to be out for long, he was only returning a library book, then he'd be fine with his hoodie.

No need to bring a jacket, right?

Wrong. He very much wished he had a jacket, and perhaps some gloves, his fingers were freezing even as he had his hands shoved into his pockets. But he'd soon be at the bus stop, which meant he'd soon be on the bus, and then soon after that he'd be home.

He crossed a road after having carefully checked that no cars were near, knowing very well that the roads were extra icy, they'd even acknowledged it on the news this morning. The ice on the sidewalks were quite traitorous too, especially as it'd snowed a little during the night and a thin layer of snow was hiding any particularly icy spots on the pavement. It was practically a death trap.

Earlier today he'd seen someone slip while they were walking too, and Virgil did not want to suffer the same fate, especially as there were other people out walking on the street, even if not many it was still an audience to embarrass himself in front of.

He sighed of relief, seeing the bus stop far up the street, as always having had that nagging bit of doubt that he was terribly lost and were going to miss his bus. He quickened his steps, not knowing exactly what the clock was but knowing that the bus was going to be there in a few minutes, and Virgil would rather not have to wait for the next one.

He'd soon be home and curled up with one of his warmest blankets and a cup of tea.

But apparently the world was feeling particularly cruel today and Virgil involuntarily found one of those death trap-ish icy spots, losing his foothold immediately. There was half of a split second of fear before Virgil resigned to his fate, thinking that maybe it was just his turn to crack his skull open on the ice.

Though instinctively he grabbed for anything to steady himself with, catching ahold of something that was clearly not very steady either but Virgil didn't have the time to think of what it was before he found himself on the ground, flat on his back. He took a moment to mentally check that he was still actually alive, but then he heard a quiet groan from next to him and he quickly turned his head to locate the source of the sound.

Apparently what Virgil had grabbed onto was a stranger, a stranger that he had also managed to drag down with him as he fell, which was incredibly embarrassing to realize. Virgil quickly sat up and kneeled on the ice, first of all noting that the man seemed to be his age, then secondly noting that a cup of coffee was spilled in the thin layer of snow next to him, and the stranger threw a saddening glance at the paper cup that he was still holding onto as he too sat up.

"Oh, shit! I'm so sorry, did you get any coffee on you? Sorry. I didn't mean to drag you with me-" Virgil babbled brushing snow from his jeans, trying to tell if the stranger was angry at him simultaneously as he tried to feel if he had managed to hurt himself anywhere in the fall.

"I am just fine, are you okay though? You seem to have landed quite hard." The man said and Virgil thanked the skies that he wasn't going to get punched.

"I'm good," Virgil said, ignoring his aching elbow that he just noticed as he didn't want this guy to worry for him when all this was Virgil's fault in the first place, "I'm so sorry for spilling your coffee."

"It's alright, I'm not in a hurry, I can buy a new one." The man ran a hand through his hair, glancing around, perhaps looking for the nearest coffee shop, or checking so they were not sitting in the way of any passerby. Virgil was suddenly hit with the realization that the man before him was actually quite attractive (this really was not the time for any gay thoughts), which somehow made him feel more embarrassed about having made him fall and spill his drink.

"No, don't. This is my fault, the least I can do I buy you a cup of coffee." Virgil said quickly.

"Oh, you don't need to-" He began, but Virgil only shook his head.

"I want to." He said, unsure where the confidence had come from. The man smiled faintly, nodding. The cold that were beginning to make Virgil's knees hurt reminded him that he was still kneeling on a sidewalk, and he quickly stood up, then extending a hand to the guy that Virgil still did not know the name of.

When both standing they took a moment to brush more snow off their clothes, even if there was not much snow it still stuck to their clothes where it could and Virgil hated walking around in uncomfortably cold and wet clothes.

"Do you know of a nice coffee shop?" Virgil asked, not actually knowing the area very well only having been here once before. He was only here to visit the library, it being where Virgil had borrowed the book he'd earlier returned, a book which had not been available at the library nearer where Virgil lived.

"Yes, I'll show the way." He said, gesturing forward as they began walking.

"By the way, my name's Virgil." Virgil said, as always feeling that hint of insecurity that always came with saying his name. He pushed it away, sometimes being polite came before insecurities.

"And mine is Logan." He said, smiling a little again, and Virgil didn't much mind how today had gone, even if he'd embarrassed himself, and even if he was still cold, even if his bus that was supposed to take him back home was just driving by.

There were more buses coming later, and Virgil was sure the coffeeshop would be warm.

Virgil would mind even less later when he returned home an hour later with Logan's phone number and a promise of a date. Though of course Virgil wasn't expecting that nor had a clue that that was going to happen yet.


Written: 20th September 2019
Published: 8th November 2019
Words: 1172

School's fucking me over and I just wanna drop out

I have to retake 4 tests lmao fuck

Also I need to cut my hair so bad :')

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