[199] - Sleep

333 21 15

Warnings: no


Whatever Virgil had expected to come home to it wasn't silence. Not since a year and half ago when they had adopted their now nearly two years old child, and for a moment Virgil stood still in the hallway, listening for signs of life as his husband should have been home already after picking their son up from daycare.

He took his shoes off, hanging up his jacket and trying to put his keys back in his pocket without being too noisy. He stepped over the forming puddle of melting snow under their son's overall, making a mental note to find a towel for that later. Silence could only really mean two things; either he was alone, or someone was getting some very needed sleep.

He got himself a glass of water, then stepped into the living room and all his questions were answered.

Logan was sprawled out on the couch, glasses slightly askew and with an arm securely around a sleeping Roman, their toddler, on his chest and a sleeping cat on his legs. Only the cat looked up when he entered, slowly blinking at him before resting her head on Logan's thigh again.

He had such a near irresistible urge to walk up to them and give them all kisses, but somehow he restrained himself, knowing that waking up their son was just generally a bad idea if he wanted to have a moment of peace and quiet, and his husband clearly needed a nap.

He stood there near the doorway to the living room for a long time, simply admiring his family and trying to figure out what to do with the overwhelming amount of love that he felt at the sight in front of him. Eventually he dug his phone out of his pocket and took about a million pictures of the tree of them, knowing instantly that he had a new phone background at his hands.

Then he returned to the kitchen, smiling to himself as he opened the door to the fridge and tried to figure out what to make for dinner. They had some leftover soup from the weekend that he decided to reheat and as he closed the fridge he felt something against his leg. He looked down to see their cat looking up at him expectantly as she butted her head against him.

"Hello there." He said, using his baby voice and reaching down to pet her before placing the tupperware with soup on the counter. He glanced at her food bowl, seeing that it was full, just as her water bowl.

"Don't you start, you have everything you need." He lifted her up, kissing her head and feeling her purr, holding her for a minute before putting her back down. Then he found a pot for the soup, putting it on the stove and ignoring Cassiopeia as she sat by her food bowl and stared at him, clearly thinking that the food in it did not meet her standards.

He poured the soup into the pot, turning the heat on, and then cutting up some cherry tomatoes and half a cucumber in small pieces as those were the greens that their son would rather eat and coincidentally the only ones they had at home at the moment, except for a few cans of corn.

He mixed the vegetables in a bowl and then put it on the table before moving towards the stove to stir the soup. He tried to be somewhat quiet when setting the table, even if he would have to wake his husband and son up soon.

Since he actually had a rare moment of privacy he reached into one of the cupboards to find his secret stash of cookies, allowing himself to have three without having to share before he had to wake the others up.

When peeking out into the living room he saw that Logan was actually awake and in the wait for the soup to boil he joined the rest of his family in the living room, smiling at Logan who was gazing down at their sleeping son with adoration.

Logan looked up, met Virgil's eyes. He reached a hand out for him and Virgil took it, sinking down onto his knees next to the couch to get on the same level as his husband.

"Welcome home, love." Logan said, and Virgil leaned in close to press a kiss to his lips.

"Had a good nap?" He wondered,

"Yes, very good. Apparently we both needed it." Logan said and Virgil's free hand moved to gently run through Roman's hair and they both observed the, still sleeping, toddler for a moment. His pacifier had fallen from his mouth, lying on Logan's chest next to his head. Virgil let it be for now, but sometime soon they should probably sterilise his pacifiers again and he added that to his long list of things that needed to be done.

"Am heating up some leftovers, dinner's ready in like five or ten minutes." He gave Logan's hand a gentle squeeze, kissing Logan's forehead and then the top of Roman's head. Then, before going back to the kitchen to make sure the soup didn't boil over, he took another picture of his husband and his son, and then another one as the action made Logan smile.

He loved his little family so much.


Written: 2nd & 3rd March 2022

Published: 6th March 2022

Words: 895

*stares at chapter number* hahah ok.

Anyway next one is 16k words and will make this book hit the chapter limit of 200 and i dont know how to feel

also wattpad pls fix ur broken ass app so i can publish from my phone to not have spaces between my stats stuff at the end-

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