[110] - Ice Cream

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This turned out wildly different than I thought it would

Warnings: coming out anxiety, accidental coming out, bit more anxiety

Human au


The doorbell rang. Logan could easily hear it from his room upstairs. He could also hear someone else's steps going down the stairs, and therefore he didn't bother to even get up from his bed. Instead he kept working on his math homework while simultaneously trying to listen if whoever had rang on the door were saying anything.

He did hear his mother say 'he's upstairs', so most likely it was someone here to see him. It could only really be one person, and Logan smiled to himself while shutting his math textbook shut. The homework could be done later, it wasn't due for another week anyway.

He heard quick steps up the stairs and then his door was opened and a slightly out of breath Virgil appeared. He hadn't knocked or anything but they were years past knocking on each others door before entering.

"Hey, you free?" Virgil asked. He was wearing that one hoodie that he'd had for years. It was old and once it has ripped, resulting in Virgil fixing it by sowing a purple patch over the rip. Then he'd thought it looked cool and he and Logan had spent a day designing and fixing the hoodie to make it look like Virgil had wanted it to look.

"Yes, I am." Logan said, reaching a hand out towards him. Virgil took it and pulled Logan up from his bed, smirking at him as they ended up standing really close together. Then he took a step back and let go of his hand.

"Great. Come with me." Virgil said, already having turned around and left his room before Logan had as much as stopped thinking of how nice it'd be to kiss Virgil.

He hurried after Virgil, barely having the time to put on his shoes and tell his parents they were going outside. Virgil was patiently waiting outside as Logan closed the front door behind himself. Then Virgil kept walking and Logan guessed he'd just have to follow him.

The moment the two of them got out of sight from Logan's house Virgil's hand found his. Logan looked down at their entwined fingers, sending a glance at Virgil and smiling at him. Virgil was looking at his phone but Logan still saw a faint smile that surely was because of him.

"So, where are we going?" Logan questioned, already knowing Virgil wouldn't give him a complete answer but still attempting to ask.

"You'll see." Was all Virgil said on that matter. They walked in silence for a few minutes and Logan first now realized what nice weather they were having. He mostly noticed it because the sun shone right in his eyes and he had to squint not to go blind.

"Your parents still don't know?" Virgil asked, breaking the silence. Logan sighed and shook his head.

"I was really close to telling them yesterday but I chickened out." Logan said. He felt a bit ridiculous to say that, but it was true. Lately he'd felt that he should come out to his parents. He was seventeen and had known he was gay since he was about twelve, and he had had a boyfriend for almost three years.

"You don't have to tell them, remember that. Only do it if you're ready." Virgil said.

"I know, I just feel as if it's stupid that I don't dare to. You've been out for years." Logan said.

"Yeah, but that's because when I was like eleven I told my parents that I wanted to marry this guy I saw on tv. They were the ones who taught me what 'gay' even meant. I didn't really leave much for their imagination." Virgil said with a laugh. Logan knew that, and he found it a bit unfair that his parents hadn't ever expressed an opinion on the lgbt+ community, because he really had no idea what kind of reaction to expect when coming out.

Virgil/Logan | Sanders Sides [One-Shots]Where stories live. Discover now