[134] - Proposal

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Human au

Warnings: nah, all the fluff


Logan and Virgil had been together for three years, lived together for two and a half, and Logan had probably never been happier any time in his life than these three years they had spent together. And he hoped Virgil would be by his side for the coming years of his life too. Not just the next three years, but the rest of his life.

Therefore he had decided that the next logical step was for them to get married. Which meant he had to propose.

Which is exactly what he planned to do today, in only a moment actually.

They'd just finished dinner, Virgil having raised a brow but asked no questions about the fact that they usually did not eat this fancy on a normal Saturday. Because they were usually too lazy to cook. Logan had just smiled sweetly at Virgil and told him to finish eating. After all, he had an important question to ask after dinner.

Virgil had tried insisting on helping to do the dishes, but Logan had sternly told him no. It was his turn to do the dishes, even if he'd made dinner. Virgil retaliated with standing right behind Logan the whole time, arms around Logan's middle and (when standing on his tiptoes) chin resting on his shoulder as they talked about their days. Admittedly not much interesting had happened at work for either of them.

But eventually they were done fixing up in the kitchen and Logan had pulled Virgil with him out into their living room. He was unsure why this felt like a more suitable place to propose, but it did, somehow.

He and Virgil were standing near the middle of the room, in the empty space between the tv and the coffee table, and Logan was holding on to Virgil's arms. He drew a breath that was supposed to resemble a deep and calming one. Virgil was just smiling sweetly, and looking a little confused.

"I've got something to say. And let me first of all point out that it is definitely nothing bad and nothing to worry about. This is of the sappy nature, because I feel the need to be a bit sappy." Logan said, because he knew Virgil, and he'd learned long ago that it was for the best to reassure Virgil before speaking. 

Virgil smiled brighter, carefully and softly, and Logan really wanted to kiss him. 

He leaned in and pressed a small and gentle kiss to Virgil's lips, because why wouldn't he when he actually had the opportunity?

"These past three years when you've been my boyfriend… it's the happiest I've ever been. Sure, it hasn't always been easy. Sometimes there has been misunderstandings and sometimes we have made mistakes or been unsure how to handle a situation." He began, having grabbed both of Virgil's hands in his.

"But it's always been worth it. You're always worth it. And I know this is a stereotypical thing to say, but I don't know what my life would be like without you, who I would be without you, and I never want to find out." Logan took a deep breath, willing his voice to remain steady as he wasn't finished with his speech yet.

"I love you. I quite honestly believe you are the best thing that's ever happened to me, and I want to spend the rest of my life as I've spent these past three years. With you by my side. I want more of our lazy weekend mornings, and cooking dinner together. And the times we order take out and spend the evening watching Classic Who and making fun of the old costumes and special effects. I even want more of the stressful mornings before work, the dreadful times we need to clean the apartment, and all our 'quick runs' to the store that sometimes can end up taking hours."

Logan had intended on continuing, but Virgil interrupted him by leaning in and kissing him, only a small kiss but Logan lost his ability to put words together for a short moment anyway. Which was not terribly useful when he was currently giving Virgil a whole babbling speech full of sappiness.

"I suppose… Perhaps it is already clear what I am trying to tell you, well, ask you, but…"

Logan let go of Virgil's hands, he fumbled in his pocket for the box with the ring, finally getting a hold of it and pulling it out. He sank down on one knee, opening the box to show the ring. He looked up at Virgil again, saw how widened his eyes were as he stared down at him.

"Virgil, my love, would you do me the honor of marrying me?" Logan asked, face flushing when Virgil's reaction to his words were to gape at him while seemingly attempting to form a sentence.

"...You want to marry me? Really, are you sure?" Virgil said weakly, looking as if he was judging Logan for his life choices and Logan laughed softly, standing back up and cupping Virgil's cheek with his free hand. Logan loved Virgil so much, he wondered how Virgil could ever doubt it. To him it was such an obvious and constant thing, that Virgil was the love of his life, sometimes it felt as if every fiber of his being was held together by his love for Virgil.

"Virgil, sweetie, of course I do. And I wouldn't be asking you to marry me if I didn't want to marry you." He said.

"But, I've asked you a question and you have to actually answer. Please." Logan said. He wasn't much worried over the answer he would receive. Either Virgil wanted to marry him, or he wasn't ready yet. Though Logan preferred and hoped for the first of those two responses he knew that either way he'd be happy as long as he had Virgil by his side.

"I- Of course. Of course I want to marry you. What kind of question…" Virgil said, and Logan could hear how his voice was trembling. Virgil looked away, blinking several times before turning back towards Logan.

Virgil's hands gripped to Logan's shirt, pulling him closer until Virgil could press his whole body against Logan's, face hidden from view against Logan's chest. Logan kissed the top of Virgil's head, for the billionth time being grateful to the fact that he was that bit taller than Virgil.

They stood there for several minutes, simply holding onto each other and letting the moment sink in. Logan could almost, almost, fathom that Virgil was now his fiance. They really were supposed to get married in the future, now. (Logan could barely wait. The thought of calling Virgil his husband… it was almost too much.)

"Are you ever going to show your face again?" Logan asked gently, receiving a shake of Virgil's head as a response. He chuckled, tightening his hold around Virgil, breathing in the ever so familiar scent of his lover.

Despite Virgil's response he was soon detaching himself from Logan, rubbing his eyes slightly before actually looking up at Logan.

"Not to sound sappy but I don't think you'll ever understand how much I love you." Virgil said and Logan couldn't help but to let a laugh escape him. 

They had just gotten engaged and Virgil was trying not to sound sappy. Logan had given up on that days ago. Or perhaps weeks ago when he'd started deciding how he was going to propose and what he was going to say and realized there was no way to say it without it turning very emotional.

"Neither will you ever fathom how boundless my love for you is. But no homo." Logan responded, and Virgil stared at him for a second before bursting out laughing, and maybe Logan was slightly high on all the emotions he was feeling because the sound of Virgil's laugh almost made him cry a little.

"All the homo." Virgil said breathlessly after having forcibly calmed himself enough to speak. Logan pressed a hand over his mouth, maybe to hide his smile or maybe to keep himself from talking, shaking his head but not saying anything because he doesn't trust his voice at the moment. He fears he might burst out crying if he speaks, and he doesn't want to cry, not even if it's happy tears.

Instead he pulled Virgil in closer again, his hands on his shoulders as he pressed a kiss to Virgil's forehead before hugging him close to his chest and burrowing his face into his hair.

He was still holding onto the small box with the engagement ring, perhaps he should be putting it on Virgil's finger, but it would have to wait only a little bit.

For now Logan wanted to hold his fiance.


Written: 20th & 21st July 2019
Published: 2nd September
Words: 1516

Okay today was a really good day even tho I started out in the worst mood. Even school was good :D

Hope you've all had a good day too <3

I love you guys

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