[77] - Logan's Breakdown

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I can't tell the difference of feelings and emotions because in swedish we have the same word for them (känslor) and that word has,,,,one meaning??? So there..isn't a difference? Why do you complicate everything aaaaaaa

Summary: Logan loses his temper after not being listened to one time too many

Warnings: yelling, crying, anger, slight self deprecation and thinking of oneself as useless, briefly hinted touchstarved!logan (blink and you miss it), more crying because logan doesn't know how to respond to any emotion lol, confusion whether a feeling is platonic or romantic, I mean this ends fluffy as usual tho so no worries

Honestly tho don't we all just reach our limit with things and get to the point where someone sneezing in your direction will make you sob like a baby?


Logan stood dejectedly and with rising annoyance and observed the others, who were having a lively discussion about what the right thing for Thomas to do was. He had many things to contribute to the argument, and he had tried, he really had tried, to speak his mind.

But every time he gave voice to his thoughts he seemed to be interrupted, no one seemed to have even noticed he tried to say anything. It was like he was not even there with them, as if he was invisible.

Sure, Roman rarely listened to him, he was used to that. Patton and Thomas sometimes payed him attention and cared about his input, but not this time, they weren't even looking at him. But he could stand that, it wasn't the first time this happened. But it seemed that not even Virgil cared what he had to say.

Now that stung, more than Logan would like to admit. Virgil was always the one he counted on to be on his side, the one he felt the most comfortable around. Virgil was also the one he'd happened to start to care the most about. Being ignored by all of them hurt, but the fact that even Virgil seemed to find his opinion irrelevant... Logan pushed down the disappointed feeling that threatened to overtake him, and barely managing to do so. He glared at the others and fixed his tie, about to speak once more.

"Guys, if I could just-" He tried, only to immediately be talked over by Roman who was happily giggling at something that Virgil had said in response to Patton. No one as much as glanced at him.

Overwhelming anger welled up inside of him, could they not at least acknowledge his existence? They were not deaf, and he knew for sure they heard him when they wanted to, so they must just really not care about anything he had to say. They must have just all agreed that his opinion didn't matter in the least.

"For once, would you just LISTEN TO ME?" Logan screamed, the last words of the sentence being uttered loud enough to make every single one of the others fall completely silent. He himself was surprised over how loud he could be, but Logan really couldn't stop himself from snapping any longer. He didn't care about their shocked expressions and how surprised they were at his outburst. He'd had enough. He'd tried to keep his anger and frustration down for months now, and he'd had enough.

"How hard can it be to just show at least a little bit of respect and even pretend like you care about what I have to say!" He continued, voice still raised as loud as he could, slightly surprised that he could be this loud and sound so threatening. He was sick and tired of not being listened to, they were going to have to listen now, and either of the others tried to say anything. Roman and Thomas were wide eyed and staring at him. Virgil looked upset and Patton looked near tears. It didn't phase him.

"I'm trying to help, but there is no point in it, because you never listen to me no matter what I say, or what I do! I am logic, I am here to help, and if I am unable to do so, because of the fact that no one cares about the logical response, then what is even the point of being here? I'm completely useless!" He yelled, throat hurting and his voice cracked on the last word, the sentence that he hadn't even meant to say out loud. He could feel the others eyes on him, saw Patton open his mouth to say something, and whatever it was that Patton wanted to say, Logan didn't think he could stand hearing it.

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