[154] - Dinner And A Massage

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Warnings: mention of top surgery I suppose, fluffy as always

Logan is trans because I can

Also fuck I'm bad at posting on time god damn


When Virgil got home from work he could hear his husband in the kitchen, by the sound of it in the middle of preparing dinner. He kicked his shoes off, not bothering to move them from the middle of the hall floor even though he knew Logan was going to scold him for it later. He poked his head into the kitchen, smiling at the sight of his husband by the stove, pouring pasta into a pot of boiling water.

"Hey." He said and made his way over to Logan, coming up behind him and placing his hands on his shoulders.

"Hello, dearest." Logan said and while Virgil couldn't see his face he could hear on his voice that he was smiling. He watched over his shoulder as Logan poured some sliced bell peppers and onion into the pan with the bacon, adding some pepper and claiming that the bacon was already salty enough.

Virgil squeezed Logan's shoulders, lightly massaging him and he heard a tired sigh escape his husband. He leaned forward and pressed a quick kiss to the nape of Logan's neck, his thumb brushing the skin peeking out from Logan's shirt collar.

"Hey, is it perhaps time to take your binder off?" Virgil said, knowing very well that Logan likely was already aware of that. Logan grunted in dismay and Virgil leaned his chin on Logan's shoulder.

"Come on, I'll make sure the bacon doesn't burn while you go change. We're responsible adults and we take care of our bodies." He kissed Logan's cheek, rubbing a hand on his back as he took a step back. Logan groaned again, a drawn out noise of partly faked annoyance, but he let go of the spatula and turned around, coming face to face with Virgil and not leaving much distance between them.

Their noses brushed and Logan let their lips meet in a short but sweet kiss. Virgil smiled when they parted. "Go now and I'll give you a massage after dinner."

That was apparently persuasive because Logan hummed and then left the kitchen, finally showing that he was indeed a somewhat responsible adult.

Despite being twenty-six years old and even having been married for a year it still felt fake to refer to himself as an adult. Virgil supposed it came from all those years as a kid when he'd thought an adult knew what they were doing. He simply could not relate to that, apparently not Logan either, he'd confessed once.

Within five minutes Logan was back in the kitchen, now wearing a navy blue hoodie instead of his black button-up and looking insanely cute with his now slightly messy hair. He walked up to Virgil and put an arm around him, kissing Virgil on his temple.

"Someone has left their shoes on the floor in the middle of the hallway." He said and gave Virgil a half amused glare.

"I'll fix that after dinner." Virgil said, knowing very well he would not and Logan knew it too because he rolled his eyes. He leaned against Virgil, arms crossed over his chest as he stared into the pot of boiling pasta water for a minute straight.

"What are you thinking about, Lo?" He asked, nudging him a bit and Logan blinked, brought back to the presence.

"...Tits stupid." He muttered and Virgil couldn't help that his lips were forming into a smile but at least he swallowed down the laugh that tried to escape him.

"Just a few more weeks, love." Virgil said and Logan's face broke out in a happy grin and he pressed his face into Virgil's shoulder. That must be one of Virgil's favorite things ever since they finally got a date for when Logan would get top surgery, seeing how his face would light up every time he was reminded of it.

"Two weeks, six days, fourteen hours, and about fifty two minutes." He mumbled into Virgil's shirt and Virgil nodded. He was a bit worried for his husband and his surgery, but they'd be fine, Virgil just didn't like blood. His husband. Over a year of marriage and he still couldn't get enough of that word.

"Check if the pasta is done." Virgil said and fished a pasta out of the pot, blowing on it before holding it out for Logan.

"Perhaps one more minute." He said after thoughtfully chewing on it, then leaving Virgil's side to get plates and cutlery and setting the table.

"Are we only gonna eat pasta and this bacon thing?" Virgil asked, lifting the pan from the stove and setting it on the cork trivet that Logan had already thrown to the table.

"Yes, I was craving bacon and then thought that we don't need to attempt to eat too healthy every day. I'll even it out by eating an apple or something." He said. Virgil got the feeling dinner tomorrow would be salad and he made a mental note to persuade Logan to add something fun to it so it wasn't only vegetables. Virgil found salad so boring.

In a short moment they were sitting down and eating, Logan talking about his day at work and that two students of his had come to him with the idea to create a gsa club at the school, which Logan thought was an excellent idea.

Virgil then told him about his less than eventful day at work, the only interesting part having been listening to three of his coworkers having a shouting match about whether it was acceptable to take bites out of ice cream or not. Virgil was every day astonished that they ever got anything done.

After dinner Virgil shooed Logan out of the kitchen when he tried to start cleaning up, reminding him of their rule that the one who cooked doesn't have to clean up too.

When Virgil had cleaned up in the kitchen he joined his husband in the living room, finding him curled up in the corner of their couch and watching a show about classical music on the tv. Virgil made a face of faked disgust and sat down in the armchair by the couch, Logan sticking his tongue out at him from his corner.

Virgil didn't find the tv programme entertaining at all and instead sat with his phone for a few minutes before he saw a movement in the corner of his eyes, looking up to see Logan kneeling on the couch. He pulled his hoodie off in a swift move, stretching and yawning, then lying down on his stomach, lifting his head up to look right at Virgil.

"Come massage me now as you promised." He said, hands drumming on the couch in anticipation. Virgil chuckled and got up from his place on the armchair and took two steps over to where Logan was lying, letting his hand slowly trail down Logan's back. He bent down and kissed Logan's cheek, then straddled him and braced his hands on Logan's back as he got comfortable sitting on his butt.

"Right, so it's not like we have any massage oil or anything so..." Virgil lets his hands slowly run down his back, ransacking his brain for any memory of how to properly massage a person. Honestly, Virgil didn't know much about massage except that it involved firm, slow strokes or something like that, it couldn't be that difficult.

"Mh, well your hands are soft." Logan mumbled, for sure having let his eyes slip shut and he seemed to relax more and more as Virgil continued his massage attempt.

"Are you going to fall asleep, Lo?" Virgil asked, already knowing that the answer was likely yes but wanting to tease Logan for it.

"No... I won't." He said sleepily, and Virgil smiled down at the back of Logan's head, reaching a hand out to ruffle his hair a little bit before continuing his attempt at a massage. It was no surprise at all when Virgil realized Logan was asleep about two minutes later.


Written: 30th & 31st October & 1st November 2019
Published: 17th December 2019
Words: 1421

there's gonna be so many ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) comments on this lmao pls try to stay out of the gutter

Also, that test I did, apparently I was the best in the group and I got a B!! That's incredible, I never get high grades on tests.

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