[40] - Last Night

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Short and gay, just like me

I promise there is no angst, even if it might look like there will be lol. But nah, just pining and fluff



God, he can't forget.

Oh how he wish he could. He can't forget how soft Virgil's lips were. He can't forget how he pressed him up against his bedroom wall. He can't forget Virgil's hands against his chest. Even if it had only lasted for a few minutes. A few minutes of his whole life, and now it was all he could think about.

When he closed his eyes he could still see Virgil's nervous smirk before he had kissed him, and when his mind wandered he could still feel Virgil's hands on his hips. When he remembered it he imagined what would've happened if they hadn't been interrupted. What would have happened if they had been able to continue?

He didn't want to think about what could have happened. He hadn't realized his feelings for Virgil until they had kissed, but in that moment a lot of feelings he had had made sense. And despite not seeing the logic in these kinds of feelings he wanted more.

They had both been drunk, Logan could almost still taste the alcohol from Virgil's lips. They had both been drunk, yet he remembered every second of the kiss clearly. And he was certain that Virgil did too. He had barely left his room all day. Once Virgil had gone to the kitchen to find something to eat, Logan had passed by him then and Virgil hadn't even looked at him.

Normally Virgil did not pretend he did not exist. Now, Logan did not understand why. He did not think it was something Virgil regretted. After all, it had been he who kissed Logan, Logan had only kissed back.

He wanted to know the reason why Virgil wouldn't look at him. Especially since all Logan wanted to do was look at Virgil. So that was why Logan had slammed his laptop shut with a frustrated sigh and was currently standing outside of Virgil's room. Because he could not forget, and the only thing his mind could think about was how it had felt to have Virgil's lips pressed against his.

The door opened and revealed a Virgil who looked surprised to find Logan outside of his room. Virgil's hair was messy and he looked tired, like he had just woken up from a nap. But seeing Logan seemed to wake him up. It was strange and new for Logan that just the sight of Virgil made a feeling, of what he could only explain as warmth, spread through him.

"Logan, what are you doing here?" He asked, hesitantly letting him come inside. He closed the door behind them and turned to Logan. He probably tried to be discreet, but Logan saw him glancing down from Logan's eyes to his lips, even if it was just for a millisecond, and he knows that Virgil too remembers every detail from the previous night.

His eyes looked at him with not only nervousness, but also with lust, and it gave Logan the courage to actually say what he wanted to have said, explain the reason to why he was here.

"I cannot stop thinking about ...last night." You. How soft your lips are. How I could feel the heat from your body as I was pressed between you and the wall. How I wished that we'd gone further. All that he wanted to say, but didn't know how to. Logically it should not be so hard, yet he could not bring himself to speak what he had on his mind.

"Oh, yeah, I apologize about that." Virgil said, burying his hands in his hoodies pockets and looking at the floor. He was showing clear signs of discomfort and anxiety. Logan was puzzled to why Virgil would think that he would need to apologize, he had certainly not minded being kissed by him.

"You were not the only one responsible for what happened, I kissed you back, didn't I?" He pointed out, hoping that Virgil would understand that he had done so because of the fact that he felt an attraction towards him.

"Yeah, but you were drunk too, weren't you?" Virgil said.

"I admit that it would most likely not have happened if I had been sober. But that does not necessarily mean I regret it." Logan said truthfully.

"You- you don't regret it?" Virgil murmured hopefully.

"No. If anything it made me realize that I feel quite strongly about you. It's why I'm here. I can't get you out of my mind." He paused for a moment, thinking over what more he wanted to tell him.

"I cannot stop thinking about your lips against mine and your hands on my body, and it's driving me insane." He admitted, making Virgil quite flustered.

"Same here." Virgil mumbled. Neither of them knew what to say and they were both painfully aware of how close they were standing to each other. So instead Logan cupped Virgil's face in his hands and glanced down at his lips, silently asking permission. When he got an eager nod in return he leaned in while his heart was beating furiously, finally doing what he had wanted to do since last night: connecting their lips again.

It was different from when they had been drunk, but it felt just as amazing, just as addictive. He ran a hand through Virgil's hair, tugging it slightly. It made Virgil let out a small moan, which was not helping in calming them down at all.

God, how he wished he would never forget how it felt to be kissed by Virgil.


Written: 2nd, 3rd & 4th May 2018
Published: 14th June 2018
Words: 1082

*looks self in mirror* ha gay

Pfft I hope this isn't awful


So, summer vacation has started (well, will start tomorrow) and we are going away for two weeks.

I will most likely run out of mobile data after a few days and there is no wifi, so I will not be able to keep my posting schedule up.

So I will most likely not be posting until I get back home, in two weeks

I apologize, and if I am able I will of course publish one. But the only time I will be able to is maybe if the store we shop at has free wifi.

Hope you understand!

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