[106] - Neat

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Headcanon that literally all of them are disaster gays

This is from a textpost I think

Warnings: none


"Oh my god, Logan." Roman said a second after bursting into said traits room and scaring him half to death. Logan rested his head in his hands, trying to calm himself from the shock. He would so appreciate it if Roman could ever calmly enter a room.

"Neat! I said neat..."He said and Logan could hear him (overly dramatically, most likely) falling onto Logan's bed. Logan saved what he had been working on and slowly turned around, accepting that he wasn't going to get any more work done until roman left, and who knew when that would happen.

"What is so important for you to barge in here without as much as knocking on my door?" He said sharply, doing his best to give Roman a grumpy glare. Roman sat up, sighing.

"Okay, so you're aware of my enormous crush on Patton?" He said. Logan rolled his eyes, everyone except Patton himself knew of Roman's feelings.

"Hard not to notice, as visibly as you pine after him. Didn't you almost walk into a wall yesterday because you were talking to Patton?" He asked to annoy Roman, something that was easily achieved.

"Shut up, nerd." Roman muttered. "Also, that wasn't because I was talking to Patton! ...It was because he smiled at me."

Logan wanted to laugh at that, but could not since he was the same way when it came to Virgil's smile. One time he had actually tripped and fell because Virgil had distracted him, but Roman did not need to know that.

"Why can't I just ask him out? It shouldn't be this hard." Roman whined, as unnecessarily dramatic as always. Logan sighed. He wasn't the best at cheering someone up nor give advice, but at least he could let Roman know he couldn't be more awkward than he had been.

"Remember when Virgil kissed me for the first time-" Logan started, and Roman interrupted him before he could finish, having to laugh at him before even speaking up

"Didn't you thank him?" Logan involuntarily smiled at the memory.

"I thanked him." He said with a sigh. No matter how embarrassed he was by his inability to function properly it was still a happy memory. Virgil seemed to make him feel happy a lot, despite his awkwardness.

"Right. But, no offence, but you're you. No one expects you to be good at these sort of things. I should be good at this. Romance is my thing. Telling Patton that I've fallen for him should not be this difficult." Roman said with a roll of his eyes. Logan glanced at the door, just making sure that it was closed since otherwise all of the mindscape could probably hear what Roman was practically shouting.

"Roman, it is okay if you are not the smooth romantic you clearly expect yourself to be. Patton likes you, that I am certain of, and this will not change just because you're awkward. Maybe do not take my advice since I am clearly not good at this either, but just tell him." Logan said. Roman immediately grimached and did not look tempted at all to do so.

"I suppose you're right." Roman said, then staring at Logan's door for a while.

"Good god, I'm gonna mess this up." Roman said, standing up. "Thanks for the help Logan."

"Anytime." Logan said, not sure he had actually said anything that helped. Roman threw the door up, almost walking into Virgil before storming off. Virgil stared after him before shaking his head and walking up to Logan.

"What's with Roman? Never seen him look so terrified before." He said.

"I've hopefully convinced him to finally tell Patton how hopelessly in love with him he is." Logan said, seeing Virgil grin at that.

"Finally. I saw them have a conversation yesterday and there was more blushing, stuttering and giggling than there were words. They're so, so obvious. I'm never going to understand how they haven't realized they're both in love with each other. Their pining is worse than ours were." Virgil said, taking another step closer to Logan and throwing his arms around is neck.

Virgil smirked at him and pressed a quick kiss to his lips before Logan had the time to say anything about how no one could be worse than they had been.

"You're blushing." Virgil said, sounding unnecessarily happy to point that out. Logan grunted.

"We might have somehow gotten together, but I am no less of a disaster just because of that." He said, making Virgil laugh.


Written: 5th, 6th, 7th March & 15th & 16th April 2019
Published: 1st May 2019
Words: 798

here u go

idk what this is but hope u enjoyed

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