[12] - Ticklish

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So what if Logan is very ticklish😏

Warning: so fluffy that you might get cavities


They were lying in bed, Logan was reading a book and Virgil was on his phone scrolling through the Tumblr app. Now and then he muttered over how the gif's wouldn't load, or he laughed at something, probably a meme, before showing it to Logan. Maybe Logan rarely laughed at the things that Virgil showed him, probably since he didn't know much about memes, vines, and text posts, but Virgil enjoyed seeing his eyes light up and a smile play at his lips every time he did find something funny.

This time he stumbled upon a math joke which took him five minutes to understand (he might or might not have googled it to have it explained) so he was sure it was something that Logan would appreciate. He held the phone up so that Logan was able to see, but he must be really into his book because he didn't even seem to notice it. That happened sometimes. Logan just got sucked into the thing he was currently doing and barely noticed anyone or anything else.

It was quite cute if Virgil was being honest, but right now he wanted his boyfriend to focus on the text post on Virgil's phone. To make Logan pay attention to him he poked him in the side and the reaction was immediate. Logan flinched and giggled before covering his mouth with a hand.

"You're ticklish?" Virgil gasped.

"N- No, I just read something funny in my book." He said, obviously lying. A devilish grin appeared on Virgil's face while Logan paled a bit. "Verge, sweetie, don't you dare."

"What do you mean?" He said innocently whilst his hand crept closer to Logan. His boyfriend was very aware of the fingers crawling closer to him but looked like he tried to ignore it, it didn't go very well since he wouldn't look away from Virgil's hand. Logan carefully put a bookmark in his book about, ....okay Virgil couldn't understand the title, and put it down on the nightstand. Virgil dug his fingers into Logan's side which made the logical side laugh loudly and try to roll away. Virgil was amazed, if he had known that tickling him would made him laugh this much he would've done this ages ago.

Logan never believed him when Virgil told him he loved his laugh, but honestly, it was one of the most beautiful things. Virgil would literally fight anyone who said something else. His hands wandered over Logan's sides and stomach quickly. Logan did his best to try to push Virgil's hands away, doing all he could to protect himself from Virgil's tickle attack.

"St- stop, I can't breathe." He shrieked and Virgil's hands retreated. "Never do that again." Logan said, trying to catch his breath. Virgil just smirked and promised that he couldn't promise that which made Logan roll his eyes.

"You're lucky I love you." He said with a scoff and Virgil laughed.

"Yes I am." He agreed, there was no doubt that that was a true statement, and leaned in and kissed Logan on the cheek. That made Logan giggle again, and when Virgil raised an eyebrow while looking amused, Logan sighed.

"Now everything you do tickles." He complained and Virgil responded by smiling angelically. He found his phone lying on the bed and picked it up. He saw the screen and remembered why he had wanted Logan's attention in the first place. He moved closer to Logan and held it up towards him. This time however, Logan did see that Virgil wanted something.

"Hey, look at this textpost."


Written: 26th, 27th & 28th January 2018
Published: 4th February 2018
Words: 670

Boi the oneshot that I'm working on now is about 6500 words so far (it's oneshot nr 21 tho, so you'll have to wait) and nr 17, 18 & 19 are one but split into three because it's over 10 000 words long sfvbjhf just wait ya'll

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