[121] - Drowsy Mornings

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Sleepy cuddles in the morning trope holds my soul

Okay it's like 11am in this fic but,,,,

okthxb here's them sleepy cuddles i promised


Virgil woke up, feeling strangely awake already as he blinked the sleep out of his eyes. The room was bright from sunshine which didn't tell Virgil what time it was in the slightest, the sun rose whenever Roman had decided it would, it might as well be two in the morning as two in the afternoon.

A minute later of not moving and simply staring at nothing Virgil realized he actually had someone in his arms, which reminded his dazed, half asleep mind of Logan who could not possibly be lying closer to Virgil without the two of them beginning to melt into one.

He sighed and allowed his lips to curl into a smile. It was very rare indeed that Virgil was the first one to wake up. Usually Logan was already fully dressed by the time Virgil rejoined the land of the conscious, leaving little time for cuddles. But now that Logan was still soundly asleep right there in Virgil's arms he would be sure to treasure this rare opportunity.

The soft snores almost right by his ear, the hair tickling his face, Logan's body closely pressed against his, and the bordering on too hot temperature under their shared covers, Virgil wouldn't change it for the world. There was nowhere he'd rather be at the moment, not even in his own room with his favorite music blasting from his speakers with a plate of Patton's freshly baked cookies in his hands.

No matter how sappy it sounded Virgil was perfectly, utterly content right where he was. Virgil angled his head and brushed his lips against Logan's jaw, receiving no response whatsoever.

He pushed Logan away slightly, wanting to be able to look at him without straining his eyes too much. He smiled faintly at Logan who was still asleep, although he had stirred as Virgil had moved him. Logan looked calm, peaceful even. Virgil didn't want to seem like one of these creeps that obsessively stared at their sleeping partner, but Logan was just looking too adorable to take his eyes off.

He was feeling extremely sappy at the moment and was glad Logan wasn't awake, if he was maybe he'd actually say out loud what he was thinking, and no matter how much he liked seeing Logan's cheeks fluster bright pink he thought he'd be feeling too embarrassed if he suddenly started uttering things worthy of coming out the mouth of Roman or Patton.

Though Virgil still felt as if his affection for Logan was too big to fit inside of his chest. Maybe it was, as Logan would surely put it, illogical of them to hold these 'deep feelings of affection' for each other as they we're both parts of the same personality, but Virgil had stopped anxiously worrying over that weeks ago.

It just felt impossible to him that their relationship was bad or wrong in any way, he could not comprehend such a thing when with Logan, since Logan somehow always made him feel much safer. Perhaps it was his ability to calm Virgil with logical reasoning that had made him feel confident in pursuing their relationship and not even worrying too much of what Thomas would think if finding out.

Virgil would do everything he could to assure that he would have many more mornings of waking up with a sleeping Logan in his arms to look forward to.

Virgil pressed a kiss into Logan's messy hair, holding him that little bit closer. Logan would surely scoff and roll his eyes if Virgil tried telling him just how cute he was in the mornings with his mess of a bed head.

"I love you." Virgil whispered, heart beating hard in his chest as he'd uttered those three very important words. Logan didn't respond, only gave another quiet snore. Virgil let out a relieved breath, he'd feel silly if Logan would've woken up to him whispering such things.

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