[141] - Temper Tantrum

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I just love parental analogical a lot okay

Human au

Warnings: tears, frustration, self doubt, insecurities


Virgil was lounging on the couch, lazily staring at the tv screen which isn't even playing a show and only displaying the Netflix page. He hasn't been able to decide on what to watch anyway, and he wanted his husband to come join him, and they of course can't watch something that would terrify a two year old.

But before Virgil can think any more about what to watch there was a loud, angry toddler scream coming from the kitchen, and Virgil winced. He heard how Logan tried to shush him at first, offering him his pacifier, then bribing him with a cookie for his silence when that didn't help, and nothing that he tried seemed to work.

Not begging either, and it had been a few minutes and their son was still crying loud and angry and Virgil decided that it was time to intervene, see if maybe he could help, or at least give Logan a break from the frustrating situation of a toddler who refused to calm.

He forced himself up from the couch, entering the kitchen where he finds a distressed two year old sitting in his baby chair by the table, an upside down bowl of baby food in front of him, and leaning against the kitchen counter is his husband, helplessly staring at their son.

Their eyes meet, only for a few seconds, and Virgil couldn't exactly read Logan's expression, and Logan turned away before Virgil could even try figuring out Logan's current feelings. Logan walked straight out of the room, and a few moments later Virgil heard the front door shut, hard.

He didn't blame Logan for leaving. There had been once or twice when Virgil had been too overwhelmed with Patton's screaming to stand it, having to leave the room or step outdoors for a moment to breathe and calm down. Plus the infinite amount of times he'd have to escape a situation at other points in life.

No, Virgil understood Logan fully, and all he wanted was to run after him to make sure he was doing alright, but he had a screaming two year old to calm down first, Logan would sadly have to wait.

"Hey buddy, upset are we?" Virgil said softly, grabbing one of Patton's pacifiers that he luckily found nearby, and he stood next to Patton, sighing at the sight of him with tears and snot running down his face, not to mention the fact that he had baby food smeared all around his mouth.

Virgil grabbed a paper towel from the roll on the kitchen table and did his best to wipe Patton's face clean, which was difficult as the toddler tried to avoid his touch completely, much more interested in loudly wailing.

When Virgil deemed Patton clean enough he lifted him up from where he was sat in his chair, trying to check if there was something obvious what would have made Patton upset. He didn't need a diaper change, it surely wasn't hunger since he'd just been having dinner. Possibly he was overly tired, or just upset about something that Virgil couldn't figure out.

He stuck the pacifier in Patton's mouth which at least had him crying at a lower volume, which Virgil's ears were very grateful for, and then he carried the toddler into the living room where he found first best children's show which he pressed play on, and he held Patton so he could see the screen, and luckily for them all Patton seemed to find the show distracting enough to forget what he had become upset over.

Virgil had figured out early on that the best way to calm a toddler from a tantrum was to just distract them, they easily forgot why they had been crying.

Virgil put Patton down on the floor in front of the tv (he was scared that if he let him sit on the couch he'd fall down from it when Virgil wasn't there), making sure he was entertained and wouldn't be wandering off as soon as Virgil turned his back to him.

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