[122] - Antidote For Restlessness

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Look,,,,I'm touch starved and I will keep writing about cuddles. It's all I got lmao

Highly based off of how restless I feel all the time at home lol


It took Logan approximately one hour to grow annoyed at his boyfriend's continuous pacing around his room. Virgil had come there two hours ago, for whatever reason, and at first he'd simply curled up into a small ball in the corner of Logan's couch and stared at nothing.

That hadn't bothered Logan much and since Virgil had said nothing to him Logan had assumed that all he wanted was silent company (something the two of them enjoyed a lot, they'd realized early on in their relationship) and therefore Logan had continued typing on his laptop and left Virgil to alternate between staring at nothing, staring at his phone, and staring at Logan.

Though after an hour of that Virgil seemed unable to remain still any longer and had stood up, an action that attracted Logan's attention. It had sure gotten quite a lot harder to concentrate on his writing when there was constant movement that Logan couldn't help noticing.

But he did his best to ignore Virgil. If he had something on his mind that he wanted to talk about then he surely would when he felt ready, that Logan felt confident of. But Virgil said nothing, only continued his never ending pacing, hands deep in his pockets and hood up.

Eventually Logan decided maybe his writing could wait for now.

He let out a sigh and turned around tiwards Virgil who kind of sheepishly came to a stop in the middle of his continuous journey through the room.

"Sorry," He said quietly, "I didn't mean to bother you."

Virgil sat down on the floor, pulling at his hoodie strings. Logan rose from his chair without saying anything and instead crouched down next to Virgil on the floor.

"Virgil, is there anything bothering you? Perhaps I can be of assistance if there is a problem you are unable to solve on your own?" Logan said and placed a hand gently on Virgil's shoulder.

"Oh, no, I'm just... restless, I suppose. Not anxious. Though restlessness is a symptom of anxiety, I think. But I shouldn't be anxious right now, as far as I'm aware." Virgil rambled, then shutting up when realizing. Logan smiled kindly at him, leaning in slightly and kissing his cheek, an action that always seemed to surprise Virgil as there wasn't a single time it hadn't make him fluster slightly.

"So, all that pacing was for being bored?" He asked. Virgil shrugged weakly.

"Guess so." He said, and laid down. He stretched all his limbs then relaxed down against the hard floor. Logan wondered if it was really comfortable to lie like that but didn't comment on it since he got the feeling Virgil had more to say. Virgil groaned as a confirmation, then throwing his arms over his face.

"I just, there's nothing to do and everything I try to occupy myself with leaves me feeling even more restless than I was before. I really need to find something, anything, entertaining to do but my mind is completely blank. I don't even want to watch youtube." He said in a slightly agitated tone, kicking his heels into the floor.

"Not to sound like Roman, but I think I am dying from boredom." He continued, removing his arms and looking up at Logan. Virgil rolled over onto his side, sighing deeply.

"Well, Virgil, I'm not sure how to help you with that problem. Though I will of course do my best to assist you if you could give me an idea of how to be helpful." Logan said, unsure if he really could be of any help, he wasn't exactly known for being the most entertaining person to be around.

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