[9] - Advice

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Logan paced back and forth in his room, fiddling with a pen. He had to ask Patton for advice, and he wondered how that would go. He himself couldn't make any sense of what he was experiencing so who else to ask than the heart, the one who knew the most about feelings?

He just wasn't sure how to describe his feelings accurately. He had never felt anything like this before. It was strange. It wasn't... supposed to happen. He's the Logical side, he shouldn't feel emotions. Or rather, doesn't want to feel emotions, Logan has to admit to himself.

He doesn't know much about them, just that they are complicated. And that they make no sense. Which for him is extremely annoying. Everything should make sense. But feelings goes right against that. There are people who feel love towards people that has abused them. There are people who falls in love with people they don't know. Children who still love their parents that neglected them. People that feel hatred towards something before they know what it really is. Feelings are unexplainable.

Yeah, that's enough to make Logan prefer being without them. But he seems to be unable to make certain emotions go away. They're just there. Like the appreciation he feels towards the other sides, they are his friends, he's certain about that. And though he wouldn't actually want to change that, the emotions are still complicated.

He calls for Patton who appears in an instant with a big smile on his face.

"I need your help regarding some ...feelings that I've been feeling." Logan explains, and sees how the smile on Patton's face somehow grows bigger.

"Aaah, you have felings about something!" He squeals, in a high pitched voice. Logan just sighs.


"Well, tell me everything." Patton sits down on the floor. After a second of hesitation Logan decides to do the same.

"Uh..." Now, this is when Logan realizes that it would have been a good idea to figure out how to describe them, he hadn't gotten to that part before summoning Patton. He also needs to be careful when he describes them, there are certain things he'd rather keep to himself.

"Okay, so you don't know what kind of emotions they are. Well what do they feel like? Do you get them while doing something or while being around a certain person?" Patton asks Logan who hums to indicate that he heard his question and just need to think for a moment.

"Well, I am familiar with the feeling of platonic liking and the feelings of dislike. This is not one of those feelings, so much I can say. I do feel this way when I am around a specific person... I can't understand why though." Patton had gotten a glint in his eyes when Logan had said the last sentence.

"Well, this person, is it someone you like? Or is it someone you resent?"

"It's someone I like. I don't hate anything, because hate is just ineffective."

"Alright, you need to describe your emotions, Logan. And remember, I can't tell you with certainty what you are feeling, but I think I have an idea." Patton said, holding up a finger as if to make a point. "Now think of the person and describe how it makes you feel and what it makes you think."

Logan rested his head in his hand while thinking. He made Logan feel happy, and confused. A bit nervous. And that he told Patton.

"Yeah, Logan, buddy, mate, friend-o, I am pretty sure you have a crush." He suggested and Logan let out a short laugh.

"No, I'm Logic, I don't have those kind of emotions." He said, a small smile on his face as if to reassure Patton that that would be impossible.

"It is what it sounds like though." Patton smirked. "I can't believe you've got a crush."

"I'm telling you, I can't." Logan said, slightly frustrated. Surely he wasn't the kind of person who'd get those kinds of feelings for others? No, that just seemed absurd. At least that's what Logan told himself. Patton shook his head.

"Just think about it, okay? Also, who is it you like?"

"Vi- none of your business." Logan said, sighing internally as he saw Patton raise an eyebrow with a smirk. "Just don't go and gossip about me to Roman now."

"Aww but I wanna tell him that you've got a crush on-" He began, in a fake annoyed voice, but Logan interrupted him.

"Don't even say it out loud." Patton rolled his eyes and started to sink away before coming back up.

"And, Logan?"


"If you see a robbery at an apple store, does that make you an iWitness?" Patton said, laughed, and sank out of the room when Logan just stared blankly at him.

"That's not a wor- eh, nevermind." He said to the empty room.

His mind raced, he didn't have time to be annoyed at Patton's grammatically incorrect word plays right now. He stared at the wall behind where Patton had been sitting. The term "butterflies in his stomach" would be accurate if you were to describe how he felt when Virgil smiled or laughed. He did feel an odd nervousness around him.

Maybe Patton was right. But what was he supposed to do with this information?


Written: 11th, 12th & 13th January 2018
Published: 28th January 2018
Words: 950

This isn't my best because I'm writing in a hurry but I'm just glad that I have time to write so this is good enough.

It's slightly funny that I have 8 more oneshots finished already (oneshot number 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 17 & 18 hahah)

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