[101] - For The Best

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Summary: Logan is aware of the fact that Virgil has feelings for him, and he return those feelings, has for a long while. But then again he's not going to do anything about that, because clearly Virgil deserves someone better

Warnings: hurt/comfort?, logan is a dumbass but he's doing his best, virgil is a bit anxious, self deprecation, rejection, thinking of oneself as 'not good enough', happy ending I swear, it's not that bad

Hng I'm sorry this should've been published two days ago


Logan was not missing the way Virgil always seemed to smile that little bit more genuine when it was at him. He was not unaware of the increase in time they spent together. He was not oblivious to how they always touched more than necessary, even if it was just their hands brushing when handing the other the remote, or a reassuring pat on the others shoulder after a debate or a late night of working. He was not blind to how Virgil's gaze sometimes lingered on his lips.

Logan knew all this, he knew what it meant. Because he too encouraged that extra time they spent together, he found himself walking too close to Virgil for the chance of that small touch, he caught himself staring at Virgil's lips and all he wanted to do was to lean in and kiss him.

But Logan did not, and he was not going to.

At the very least he had some self restraint. Logan would not allow himself to do such a thing, or anything like it. It were for the best if these feelings were ignored until they went away. Logan supposed most people would be asking him what he was doing and why in the world he was not acting now that he had such a chance.

The facts were after all that Virgil liked Logan, and Logan liked Virgil, much more than he should. Things would certainly be a lot easier if Logan's feelings had remained unrequited. Or if Logan had not fallen for Virgil in the first place.

No, Logan was not going to go up to Virgil and ask if he'd like to pursue these feelings. He was going to keep pretending that neither of them felt like this for the other. Logan thought he'd done quite a good job hiding how he felt so far.

At least until Virgil had him practically cornered one day, trembling hands shoved in his pockets.

Logan glanced towards the doorway, hoping that Patton, or anyone, would appear there so that he could excuse himself to talk to them. Logan was not that fortunate and he knew he would eventually have to face him about this.

"Logan, I need to- I need to talk to you." Virgil said, voice about as shaky as his hands had been before he had hid them.

"Is that so?" Logan knew what Virgil was going to say already, and he internally cursed the anxious side's bravery. Logan himself would never have managed to walk up to Virgil and spill a single detail about anything he was feeling. But that was not solely because of his lack of bravery. Logan was having other sort of problems with these feelings. Problems which he should not burden Virgil with.

"Okay, so, um, I had rehearsed what to say but I... it clearly did not help." Virgil said, taking a deep breath.

"Here goes, I really, um, I really like you. A lot. Romantically." Virgil continued slowly. During this whole thing they has maintained eye contact, and Logan was the first one to break it. He looked down at the floor, glanced back up at Virgil for a second before speaking.

"I know." Logan then said, almost immediately regretting his choice of words as he saw the little hope in Virgil's expression fade out and he took a step back from Logan.

"Oh." Virgil breathed. Of course Virgil must be assuming that means Logan doesn't like him in that way. Which is incorrect, because Logan very much feels that way for Virgil. But he doesn't say that, he doesn't reassure Virgil that his feelings are indeed returned.

Virgil/Logan | Sanders Sides [One-Shots]Where stories live. Discover now