[127] - Nap

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Warnings: no

I got something in my eye and it fucking hurts and refuses to get out


Logan's arms were tired from holding his book up, but he still did not put it down. He was lying on the couch, quite unable to move. At least if he wanted to move without disturbing Virgil.

The anxious side had came downstairs about half an hour ago and bee-lined to the couch, practically lying down on top of Logan. He hadn't given Logan a reason why, had not even said a word, instead he'd closed his eyes and drifted off to sleep within mere minutes.

Logan expected these were things he had to stand, now that Virgil was his boyfriend. Not that he was bothered by it, far from actually. Virgil's affection was... definitely something Logan enjoyed more than he would let any of his fellow sides ever know.

Logan closed his book, setting it down next to himself and hoping it wouldn't fall to the floor (because that might wake Virgil up and Logan thought Virgil needed all sleep he could get). Virgil's head was resting on his chest, his legs were tangled with Logans, he had a warm hand on Logan's shoulder.

He hoped none of the other sides would be walking into the living room any time soon, for several reasons. They would be far too excited about seeing Virgil and him displaying their affection for the other, more so than Logan would have liked. Perhaps the two of them rarely showed what they felt, but that was for good reason.

Logan did not enjoy the thought of displaying everything he felt in front of others, Virgil seemed to feel similarly about the subject. Therefore they usually kept activities like this to the privacy of their bedrooms. It was simply easier that way. But Logan couldn't help feeling as if he would never want to move from their current positions, not even if both Roman and Patton came into the room and were loud and excited.

He let himself carefully place a hand on the back of Virgil's head, fingers burying into his soft hair. Logan smiled to himself, solely letting himself do so because there was no risk anyone else would see him. He slowly ran his fingers through Virgil's (quite messy) hair, feeling just how soft it felt between his fingers.

Logan let his other hand rest on Virgil's back, tempted to try and pull Virgil up a bit since then he would properly be able to put his arms around him, but he feared such an action would wake Virgil too. He was content lying as they were, playing with Virgil's hair and Virgil himself as relaxed as Logan had ever seen him. Logan sighed, more in content than anything else.

He was feeling quite a lot of things at the moment, perhaps more than he should. Over all, he was simply ...happy that Virgil felt comfortable enough with him to let himself be this vulnerable around him. And happy that he himself was now comfortable enough with showing emotion to let himself be with Virgil in such a way.

They'd been quite awkward in the beginning of their relationship, both trying to figure out what they were comfortable with, what the other was comfortable with, and what their relationship meant to them both.

Virgil had only been Logan's boyfriend for three months (and six days) but they have relaxed considerably since the beginning of their relationship, that was clear to see, even if they were not the most romantic of couples, and even if they did not see the point in grand gestures or being insufferably sweet and loving.

Virgil shifted slightly and let out a sleepy sigh, hand lightly gripping to Logan's shoulder. Then he was still for a few seconds before turning his head and attempting to bury his face against Logan's chest, small groan escaping him.

He lifted his head up and turned his face to Logan, yawning, and then actually opening his eyes. He blinked several times, looking as if he had to take a moment to catch up with his surroundings and where he was.

Then he sat up, bracing his hands against Logan's chest to push himself up, he looked down at Logan, face flushed, and Logan found him quite adorable. But he knew that if he voiced that particular thought then the most likely respond were a scoff or him rolling his eyes at Logan.

"Sleep well?" Logan murmured instead, breaking the silence around them. Virgil nodded, cheeks still pink.

"Yeah. Uh, I didn't actually mean to... fall asleep on you. Sorry." Virgil said, looking away out over the room, maybe not only to avoid looking Logan in the eyes but that was probably one of the reasons.

"It's quite all right, I am just happy you are well rested." He placed a hand on top of Virgil's, hoping to be reassuring. Though it made Virgil look down, seemingly now realizing how they were positioned, him practically straddling Logan with his hands on him. Logan had not actually given it a thought yet either.

Their eyes met briefly, both quickly looking away, Logan's face heating up too. Virgil slipped off of him and Logan sat up, feeling slightly stiff after having laid in the same position for half an hour. Virgil sat down on the couch next to Logan, fiddling with his hoodie sleeves which had slipped down over his hands.

"Would you like to watch something with me?" Logan asked, hoping Virgil was not uncomfortable now. Virgil yawned again.

"Hm, Sherlock?" Virgil said, now rubbing his eyes with the sleeves of his hoodie. Logan gave him a slight smile.

"Excellent idea." He said, reaching for the remote and turning the tv on, pressing play on Sherlock, episode one. Logan took Virgil's hand in a not so tight grip, giving Virgil the choice to pull away if he wanted to. Virgil didn't, he only squeezed Logan's hand slightly and relaxed against the couch cushions as the episode began playing.

Logan turned so he was sitting more comfortably and actually turned completely to the screen and not towards Virgil, making sure they sat close enough for their arms to touch. One would think after having Virgil using him as a mattress to nap on then he would no longer crave having Virgil near, but that was clearly not the case.

He glanced at Virgil who was focused on the show, as Logan should be. He turned his eyes back to see John walking outside, just about to meet his old friend who'd then proceed to introduce him to Sherlock.

Logan gathered up what courage he could find and then leaning against Virgil, letting his head rest on his shoulder and thinking that if Virgil, the embodiment of anxiety, dared to lie down on Logan as he had just a little while ago then he could do this with ease and not feel too embarrassed.

Virgil stiffened slightly, then relaxed again a second later, pressing a quick kiss to the top of Logan's head which resulted in a burst of 'butterflies' to make themselves known in Logan's stomach.

He smiled at the screen, considering himself fortunate to be sitting there with Virgil.


Written: 1st & 2nd July 2019
Published: 4th August 2019
Words: 1223

My eye hurts and I'm tired if it

Also I'll go home on wednesday and my family won't be home until friday so I get some time alone!!

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