[46] - Crush

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Honestly I just find this text post funny and had to write it analogical style

Fun fact: The reason why this is called virgil/logan oneshots instead of analogical oneshots is because I started writing this before I had learned the ship names

This is a short one btw


"Roman, Logan is staring at me." Virgil said quietly, glancing over as discreetly as possible at the logical trait who, as he had said, was looking right at him. He was not used to people observing him so intensely, and it made him nervous. Not to mention that it was the guy he had certain feelings for that was staring.

"Maybe because Logan has a huge ass crush on you." Roman said loudly, not bothering to lower his voice, so they were all able to hear what he said. Virgil felt his heart skip a beat at the thought, but he pushed away the small feeling of hope.

"That's ridiculous. Logan doesn't have a crush on me." Virgil scoffed, ignoring the uneasy feeling in his stomach that always appeared when he thought about his feelings for Logan.

"Yes he does." Roman said, giving him a confused glance as if he was wondering how the hell Virgil could've missed that. Virgil just gave him an equally confused glare.

"Yes he does." Patton said without even as much as looking up from the comic he was reading.

"Yes he does." Thomas called from the kitchen, glancing up and pausing his rummaging through the fridge for snacks to observe what was going on.

"Yes I do." Logan looked completely serious, not even blinking as he looked right at Virgil. Virgil just stared, there was no way that Logan felt the same way as he did, was there?


"I thought it was obvious," Logan mumbled sheepishly and they both ignored as the other three said 'it is' in one mouth, "I just assumed that you did not feel the same way since you never acknowledged it."

"Don't jump to conclusions." He said with a smile and Logan couldn't help but to let out a small chuckle. Virgil hadn't realized at all that Logan felt this way for him, which Roman would surely tease him for later.

"You are both so obvious, oh my god!" Roman exclaims, clearly confused to how Logan and Virgil had not noticed the other ones feelings. "We have all known for months, at first we thought you two were already dating but trying to keep it a secret from us. Turns out you're both just blind as hell."

"Princey, lets leave them alone so that they can talk." Patton said, dragging Roman out with him while Thomas followed them, balancing a bag of doritos, a tub of ice cream, a bowl and a spoon in his arms. Virgil just blushed and looked down at the floor, pretending to find the wooden planks very interesting.

"Is it really true that you like me? This is not just some kind of cruel joke?" Virgil asked nervously. He had to ask that, his mind always assumed the worst. Logan just takes a few steps forwards so that he now stood right in front of Virgil. He reached out a hand which he put underneath Virgil's chin and lifted his head up so that they were looking at each other.

"It is indeed correct that I hold feelings of the romantic nature towards you. I have for a while." Logan said, pushing up his glasses with his other hand and shooting Virgil a reassuring smile before continuing.

"Is it true that you too have been feeling this way for, as Roman said, months?"

"It is." Virgil said,

"Perfect, then I would like to kiss you, if that is alright with you." Logan continued, a small smile tugging at his lips.

"Yeah, that's alright." Virgil said, because it was. Honestly, it was more than okay. So that's what Logan did, he kissed him softly, in a way that made Virgil shiver. Maybe he should thank Roman for being so loud.


Written: 14th, 15th May & 6th June 2018
Published: 10th July 2018
Words: 731


I'm gonna sit in a car for 7 hours tomorrow and I'm so excited! My uncle is driving me to my grandpa's summer place further up in sweden.

There's no wifi but we have a wifi hotspot(?) that I can use to publish fanfics

Virgil/Logan | Sanders Sides [One-Shots]Where stories live. Discover now