[148] - Rest

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Human au

Warnings: nah just fluff


Virgil shifts his body for the billionth time that evening, continuing his desperate search for a position that is comfortable enough. He's been tossing and turning for hours now, mostly staring at the ceiling and hoping that he'd fall asleep if he just stayed still for long enough. It had not worked so far and it was nearing four in the morning according to Logan's alarm clock on his nightstand that Virgil now and then peered at.

He'd been in bed since 10pm. If the two of them didn't have a week off work right now then Virgil would be considerably more stressed about this. Now he was mostly annoyed.

Virgil bit back a sigh, rolling over onto his side, eyes falling on his husband. Logan had fallen asleep almost as soon as they went to bed, abandoning Virgil to this boredom of not being able to sleep. Virgil carefully put his arm around Logan's middle, inching close enough for his chest to be pressed against Logan's arm. He brushed a kiss to Logan's shoulder, watching his chest slowly rising and falling with every breath.

Virgil would love some actual company but he didn't want to wake Logan up. His husband enjoyed getting his eight hours (or more) of sleep and Virgil didn't want to be a bother. Even if he knew Logan wouldn't think of him as such.

Virgil closed his eyes, trying to match his own breathing to Logan's, hoping that if he pretended to sleep then he'd eventually actually fall asleep.

Ten minutes later he opened his eyes again and sighed into the sleeve of Logan's sleep shirt. That was not working out for him. The bed was comfortable, sure, but he was not tired in the least. He should be, but he wasn't. He was not anxious or anything. Just not tired.

Virgil rolled onto his back again, letting go of Logan and instead fumbling from his phone. He didn't really feel like going onto Tumblr or Instagram, he'd already spent a good three and a half hours on social media to pass the time and it was not entertaining anymore.

Boring. Everything was boring. And he couldn't do anything that made sounds because he didn't want to wake Logan, which ruled out Youtube or Netflix since he had left his headphones in the living room. Virgil stuck his tongue out at the ceiling, as if the universe was a sentient being and would take pity on him and grant him sleep if he showed his annoyance.

Sadly, that was not how things worked.

Virgil sat up and set his feet to the floor, then standing up, moving slowly and carefully and luckily Logan was still fast asleep as Virgil tiptoed out of their bedroom.

It was December and he used that as a reason to sleep in a hoodie (plus a pair of boxers of course) even though it wasn't even cold. Florida, it didn't really ever get cold. That wasn't stopping Virgil from always being dressed in a hoodie and sometimes sleeping in one of Logan's old hoodies.

Virgil settled down on the couch in their apartments living room, turning the tv on and for once being thankful that Logan always lowered the sound really low after they finished watching tv in the evenings, it was keeping him from being jumpscared right now as the tv started playing on the channel it was last seen on.

Virgil cringed as the news were being read, not knowing what they were talking about, but the news were almost always bad and Virgil therefore never watched them.

He connected his phone with the chromecast their tv had, quickly finding a fun enough youtube video to watch. He settled back against the couch cushions, getting comfortable as the first of Dan and Phil's playing the Impossible Quiz started. It was his go to series when he had nothing better to watch.

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