[94] - Documentaries And Tea At 4 Am

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Headcanon that because Logan is logic he has very vivid and realistic dreams and even more harrowing nightmares

Warnings: nightmares, mentions of death,

Smh when will I let the nightmares prompt die


Logan abruptly wakes up, breath caught in his throat and he can't shake the very vivid images of Virgil's eyes glazing over as a shallow last breath left him, and he pushes himself up into a sitting position.

His eyes falls on the figure of his boyfriend next to him, and his hands are on Virgil trying to shake him awake because his brain keeps reeling with thoughts of how Virgil might actually be hurt, and the image of Virgil dying will not leave him.

What if Virgil was actually hurt? What if Virgil wasn't breathing? Oh god what would he do if Virgil ever-

"Virgil-" Logan choked out, breath hitching and cutting him off when he saw virgil open his eyes and his brain began to slowly fathom that he was not still stuck in the dream and nothing had or was going to happen to Virgil. Virgil seemed to instantly become wide awake when seeing Logan in such a distressed state, and he sat up too, his hands hover an inch away from Logan's shoulders, maybe afraid to make it worse if he touched him.

"Logan, love, what's going on?" He asks, and just hearing Virgil's voice, despite how full of worry it is, makes it fully occur to Logan that Virgil is all right. His hands were cupping Virgil's face a mere second later, then sliding down to his chest and Logan could feel every breath Virgil took beneath his hands. The relief almost made him feel a bit dizzy.

"Hey, Logan, are you- Lo, listen to me. Breathe." Virgil said, trying to talk slowly and logan had to process the words for a moment before he could nod, and he kept staring at Virgil's eyes, seeing the liveliness in them definitely helped calming him. Helped remind him that no matter how real it had felt it was still not close to reality.

A dream, it was only a dream.

Logan became aware of Virgil telling him to breathe with him and Logan focused solely on doing as Virgil told him, closing his eyes and breathing in air and exhaling at the same time as he felt virgil do so. The unwelcome memory of Virgil's still body came back to him, and he quickly forced his eyes open again. It was easier to breathe when seeing Virgil. When virgil a minute later deemed him to have somewhat regained control of his breathing he brushed Logan's messy hair out of his eyes and he kissed his forehead.

"You're shaking... You all right love?" He said softly and logan nodded again, relishing in the touch of Virgil's fingers slowly carding through his hair. He slumped against virgil, resting his head on his shoulder, staring out at the room. He was almost scared to close his eyes just in case he'd be pulled back into unconsciousness and the dream would start off where it had ended.

"Did you... have a nightmare?" Virgil asked, and there was certainly nothing about the way that Virgil asked that made Logan think he would find it silly that a mere dream had affected him so much, but Logan felt very embarrassed to admit to it anyway. Something that was not real should not be able to leave him such a mess. Virgil gently pushed him back to look him in the eyes when he got no reply.

"Lo?" Virgil said. Logan sighed and let his hands fall down to his lap, staring at them as he gave Virgil a tiny nod. Virgil took Logan's hands in his.

"Do you want to talk about it?" Virgil asked, and Logan took a moment to think over the question, not all too sure about the answer himself. He eventually shook his head, deciding that, no, he did not want to talk about it, for several reasons. Not yet at least, with the nightmare so fresh in memory he did not want to risk breaking down.

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