[30] - Late Night Texts - (Part Two)

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This book has 9k reads, oh my, I am so close to reaching my dream of getting 10k reads, this is unbelievable


Logan: Hello Virgil.

Virgil: you just assume I'm always awake at 2:30 am?

Logan: No, I saw that your light was on when I walked past your room on my way to get a glas of water. I hope that you're not always awake at 2:30 am, that would not be healthy.

Virgil: ......of course not

Logan: Go to bed Virgil

Virgil: okay, first of all, you were the one that texted me. Second of all, I'm already in bed, just on my phone and have tumblr up on my laptop. And third of all (thirdly??), you're one to talk.

Logan: Fair enough, I guess we both indulge in unhealthy habits.

Virgil: so who are u in lofe with?

Virgil: *loce

Virgil: ffs

Virgil: **love

Logan: ...Let us talk about something else.

Virgil: u know it's good to talk about your feelings. That is something you keep telling Patton. Listen to your own advice.

Logan: Nice weather today, right?

Virgil: Lo, it's like the middle of the night. There is no weather

Logan: ...

Virgil: Come on Lo, you can talk to me. It's not like I'm gonna tell anyone, I'm far to anxious to go around spreading secrets.

Virgil: Lo????

Virgil: Hey, come back, we don't need to talk about it if you don't wanna.

Virgil: I'm sorry, I didn't mean to pressure you

Virgil: don't ignore me, you know it makes me anxious

Logan: Apologies, it was not my intention to bring you any worries. My phone died and I needed to find a charger.

Virgil: oh okay, now I feel stupid

Logan: Don't, you can't blame yourself for feeling anxious.

Virgil: and you can't blame yourself if you are in love or not, so stop feeling bad over that.

Logan: Well... I guess that is indeed true.

Virgil: see?

Logan: Your grammar and punctuation is horrendous.

Virgil: Is this better? I'm even starting my sentences with a capital letter.

Logan: Yes, thank you. That is a lot more pleasing to read.

Logan: And I would rather not speak about the person I like. I sincerely doubt that he feels the same way about me anyways, and talking about it won't change that.

Virgil: Well how would you know, you can't read his mind.

Logan: That is correct. But he has shown no interest in me.

Virgil: Is it Patton?

Logan: No. Stop asking.

Virgil: Is it Roman?!

Logan: Don't be stupid.

Virgil: is it Thomas?

Logan: Of course not! That wouldn't make sense?

Virgil: Then who could it be?? There isn't someone else

Virgil: unless...

Logan: Stop

Virgil: is it

Logan: Stop.

Logan: Forget I ever told you.

Virgil: Is it me?

Logan: ...I think it's time to go to sleep, it's nearing 3 am and we should get about 8 hours of sleep and you know how Thomas gets when we sleep longer than to 10.

Virgil: You're avoiding the question. Does that mean I am correct?

Logan: We are never speaking of this again.

Virgil: Alright, but I think you'd be surprised. Because if that is the case then it would make me really happy...

Logan: What do you mean?

Virgil: I mean that I like you

Virgil: a lot actually

Logan: I like you a lot too.

Logan: My chest feels very warm and my hands are tingling, is this a side effect?

Virgil: you don't know a lot about these feelings do you?

Logan: I really do not.

Virgil: want me to teach you? (;

Logan: ...Yes. What is the meaning of the emoji?

Virgil: doesnt matter

Logan: If you say so. By the way, your grammar is still horrible.

Logan: Are you the one knocking on my door?

Virgil: Yes, can i come in? I want to kiss you

Logan: Oh, yes, please do.


Written: 26th February 2018
Published: 7th May 2018
Words: 694

It's nice to write these texting stories because they require no work whatsoever and are still (I hope) fun to read lmao

Dunno how I feel about the ending tho😂

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