[109] - L

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I'm definitely getting better at writing short things lol

next ones longer tho


"Virgil, may I bother you for a moment?" Logan said, looking up from the book he'd been busy reading for the past hour. Virgil glanced between him and the tv.

"Sure, L. What's up?" Virgil said, pressing pause on the game he'd been playing after making sure that no enemies would kill him as soon as he kept playing.

"Well, that's just it. You keep... calling me 'L' or 'Lo', what's that for?" Logan asked slowly. Virgil knew Logan himself would never agree, but he was definitely cute when confused.

"Uh, well, it's a nickname. Short for Logan." Virgil said, making Logan roll his eyes.

"Yes, I got that much, thank you. But what is the purpose? I know you've got nicknames for the other sides too, ranging from negative to more positive ones. Though I am still having trouble thinking of why these nicknames are important. Are our actual names not good enough to refer to us by?" Logan rambled, definitely sounding like he'd had these questions in mind for quite some time. Virgil put his xbox controller down and opened his mouth only to realize he wasn't quite sure what the answer to Logan's questions were.

"Well... It's..." Virgil scrunched his face, trying to think of something to say. It wasn't like he had ever actually thought of a reason why he used nicknames.

"I suppose nicknames are a bit more intimate, maybe? It's a way of showing you're close to a person. Or if it's a negative nickname it's for teasing or making the person sad. Though the nicknames for you, Patton and Roman are positive ones, so don't worry about that."

"Okay then. If I've understood it correctly, nicknames are either a way to bring people closer together or further apart?" Logan said, raising a brow to silently ask Virgil if he was indeed correct.

"Yeah, pretty much." Virgil said.

"Despite," Virgil continued, cupping Logan's face in his hands and giving him a most likely sappy grin, "they're both great nicknames. Just listen, Lo or L. Is it short for your name? Am I calling you 'love'? Both? No one knows!"

"Oh." Logan's face flustered brightly pink and Virgil laughed quietly. Not only was it fun making Logan blush, it was also amusing to make Logan speechless. Usually he always had something to say, but at the moment he seemed to be unable to form any sort of response. Virgil closed the small distance between them, pressing his lips to Logan's.

Then he pulled back and let go of Logan instead picking his controller back up and continuing his game. He could feel Logan stare at him for a few seconds before he felt a weight on his shoulder. He chuckled as he realized Logan might actually be hiding his face.

Virgil ignored the urge to awe over how cute Logan was being. He couldn't be too sappy, he'd already been more sappy today than what he usually was. Logan somehow made him all mushy and lovey-dovey.

It was horrible...

Okay, Virgil didn't mind that much. As long as no one else than Logan saw him like this.


Written: 13th May 2019
Published: 19th May 2019
Words: 557

Short and I dunno what it is but hope u enjoyed

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