[195] - Next Step

379 27 23

Warnings: no, them bitches gonna be soft


Virgil pulled the blanket tighter around himself, his breath turning into fog in the cool evening air. Quiet piano music was playing from a small bluetooth speaker and other than the occasional sounds of cars driving by it was the only current noise.

His boyfriend, wrapped in a navy blue blanket, shifted closer to him, leaning his chin on Virgil's shoulder. That warmed him up pretty effectively, despite the fact that Logan was not actually sharing any body heat with him at the moment.

He wormed his hand out from under his blanket and then in under Logan's, finding the other's hand and letting their cold fingers entwine. Neither of them said anything, hadn't for a long time, by now long past their normal conversation topics of space and the possibility of aliens, now content to quietly sit on the roof of Logan's apartment building and stargaze, just the two of them, relaxing after a day of tedious work.

In this moment his thoughts strayed far from work and other responsibilities, much too content with life to think of something so dull. He turned his head slightly, just enough to press a little kiss to Logan's temple, and his boyfriend gave his hand a comforting squeeze.

He knew they were both aware that it was getting late, that they both had work in the morning and that he should probably be going home. Home to his own apartment where his sheets might smell of Logan but his bed always felt so empty.

"Maybe we should go back inside soon." Logan suggested, not making any attempt to get up or move away from Virgil.

"Yeah, maybe." Virgil mumbled, leaning his head against Logan's and then they sat in silence for several more minutes, looking up at the few visible constellations and the occasional moving lights of an airplane passing by far above them.

The bluetooth speaker made its annoying I'm-almost-out-of-battery noise, startling the two out of their drowsy thoughts, and Logan huffed a little as he reached for the speaker to turn it off. Then Logan stood up and Virgil had to accept that pouting wouldn't pause time and let him sit for forever under the stars with his boyfriend.

The world was a cruel and unjust place.

Logan pulled him to his feet and after gathering up the few things they had brought with them they shuffled down the stairs and into Logan's apartment. Virgil sprawled out on Logan's couch as Logan went to make sure his speaker was charging.

He came back a minute or two later, his normal blue button up shirt and black jeans changed into a pair of sweatpants and a black hoodie that had used to be Virgil's.

Virgil interrupted the scrolling he had been doing on his phone, putting it to the side and instead reaching out for Logan who made a beeline for the couch, taking Virgil's hands and not complaining as he was dragged down on top of Virgil.

He buried his fingers in the fabric of the hoodie that Logan had 'stolen' (could you call it stolen when Virgil had been more than willing to let him have it?) months ago and pulled Logan into a tight hug, burying his face in the crook of his neck without plans to emerge anytime soon.

Logan seemed to have no complaints about taking the place of Virgil's blanket for a while, not even when Virgil slipped his still cold hands in under Logan's hoodie, placing them on his back.

Logan pulled back slightly, just enough to leave a chaste but soft kiss against Virgil's lips before sitting up.

"I don't wanna go home." Virgil said, looking up at his boyfriend with what he would always refuse to call a pout.

"Then stay." Logan said, raising an eyebrow as if to tell Virgil he didn't see the problem. Virgil rolled his eyes, just a little.

"I haven't been home for, like, three days. I can't just stay here all the time, I don't want to overstay my welcome." Virgil said, partly joking but partly not. He couldn't just always stay over, even if he wanted to.

"Impossible. I want you here." Logan said, stating it as such an obvious thing. Virgil had no idea how to reply to that so they just ended up gazing and smiling at each other like some love sick fools. Logan leaned down and kissed Virgil again, which he melted into with a pleased hum.

Maybe instead of going home he would just stay there, kissing Logan on his couch until they fell asleep.

Logan's lips brushed his cheek and Virgil moved his warmed up hands, running them from his shoulders down Logan's arms. Their fingers tangled, Logan absentmindedly biting his lip and Virgil quirked a brow, wondering what Logan was thinking so hard about.

Logan moved off of him, sitting on the couch instead of on Virgil, and Virgil sat up, tilting his head a little to the side as a way of asking what was up.

"You know, we have been dating for over a year." Logan pointed out, a fact that Virgil was very aware of, partly because he was still so impressed that Logan actually loved him enough to stand him for so long. Though, with Logan it was easier to be a person that didn't suck to be around.

They'd been celebrating their one year anniversary just a month ago, which had been a sappier event than any one of their friends would ever believe. They weren't really big on public displays of affection. In the privacy of their own homes though? Virgil would be damned if he didn't get to cuddle his boyfriend and call him pet names that made him blush.


"Well, I've been thinking for a while... that- that you could stay? I mean," Logan inhaled slowly, meeting Virgil's eyes, "what if we lived together? We've been dating for a long time, it wouldn't be uncommon at all to take this next step in our relationship, um, if you'd want to. You do not have to, of course, but-"

Virgil blinked, twice, at first unsure if he had understood Logan correctly (not that Logan's words could mean many things though), but then a small smile that he couldn't help spread across his face and he reached out to cup Logan's jaw in his hands, cutting him off.

"You're asking me to move in with you?" He asked, far from caring about the soft tone of his voice.

"Yes. It seems like it's about time, you already spend most days here, and neither of us ever wants you to leave. So why not make sure neither of us have to leave?" Logan said, fingertips trailing along Virgil's jaw as he comprehended Logan's suggestion.

Living together. He had barely ever had time to consider that option despite how long they had been together, he hadn't really dared to assume that anyone could care that much for him. Somehow Logan always surprised Virgil, despite how bad at feelings he claimed to be.

Moving in together was definitely something he wanted, for reasons like Logan's apartment actually being closer to where he worked, and the fact that he would get to live with Logan.

"That... that sounds really great, L. I'd love to live with you." Virgil smiled, ducking his head and leaning into Logan, not before seeing him smile widely.

"I'm glad to hear that." Logan let go of his hands in favour of wrapping his arms around Virgil, kissing the top of his head.

There was still a lot to be discussed and decided, but that could wait for just a little while as they sat there clinging to each other, Virgil half surprised that Logan really was serious about taking this next step in their relationship, and half surprised that he, the anxious mess that he normally was, was not scared or nervous in the least to move their relationship forward.


Written: 26th & 27th August 2021
Published: 16th November 2021
Words: 1330

mmm i love them.

anyway check out the 100 Ways To Say I Love You Challenge im doing, super sappy and only analogical lol

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