[17] - Sick

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I have so many half crappy fanfic ideas all the time and yes I'm gonna write all of them, even if they're bad, fight me

I present to you, my latest genius (sarcasm™) idea: Sick, grumpy Logan who wants to continue working instead of resting, but Virgil is like "Not on my watch."


Logan wasn't feeling very well, he was cold and his head and throat hurt. He had been feeling perfect yesterday so these symptoms were extremely annoying. And as if the never ending headache wasn't enough he also had loads of work to finish. He didn't have any time to rest, he needed to have these documents and the last of his paperwork done by tomorrow. Suddenly someone poked his shoulder and he spun his chair around to see who it was.

"Hey Logan, lunch in 10." Virgil said. Logan hadn't even heard him come inside his room. Virgil opened his mouth to say something else but Logan cut him off by coughing three, no, four times. Whatever Virgil had wanted to say didn't really matter now, that Logan could see. Virgil looked a bit concerned.

"Lo, are you okay? You look sick." Virgil said and put his hand against his forehead. Logan sniffled.

"I'm fine, I just have a little cold. There's no need to worry." He said, pushing Virgil's hand away. "And I'll come and eat when I'm done with these." He made a gesture towards the pile of papers that he had planned to get done before the sun went down. Virgil shook his head, which didn't surprise Logan at all. He hadn't expected Virgil to give up just like that.

"Not a chance, I'm going to take your temperature and if it's higher than 37.8°C you are not allowed to work anymore today." Virgil went to get a temp while Logan complained loudly after him. When it was clear that Virgil wasn't going to back down Logan turned back towards his desk and started to fill out the paper in front of him as quick as possible. Which was surprisingly hard when it felt like his brain was banging itself against the inside of his skull.

Logan sighed deeply when Virgil came back and gave him a thermometer to check if he had any fever or not. Logan carefully pressed it in his ear and pressed the button, keeping it there for a second or two until it beeped. He looked at it and pouted. 39°C, there was no way Virgil would let him continue working.

"Come on, I just need to finish this stack." He pleaded but Virgil gave him a stern look.

"Lo, you are sick. You need to rest. I'll get you a glass of water and some soup. And you're going to bed." Logan started to protest, saying that he was neither hungry nor tired enough to sleep when Virgil held up the paper which he had just been scribbling on.

"You wrote there instead of their, do you really think you should be working today? I mean, look at you, you can barely stay awake." Virgil pointed out and Logan saw that he was right when he looked closer at the paper. And he was actually extremely tired. Maybe he wasn't fit for working today after all. He suffocated a yawn, didn't want Virgil to know that he was right.

"Fine. But I'm not going to be happy about it." He said, which made Virgil smile.

"Do you want an Ibuprofen?" Virgil asked and held up a small box that probably contained jus that. Logan had to admit that it'd be nice if his headache went away and it'd probably be good if he managed to lower his fever too, so he said yes to that. If his fever disappeared he might be allowed to continue working too. Virgil went to get him a glass of water to swallow the pill with and Logan erased the word that Virgil had pointed out to be wrong.

Virgil came back quickly, holding a green glass which he handed to Logan while forcibly removing the pen from Logan's hand while he swallowed the pill. Logan only pouted at him. "Virgil, I really need to get this done today. This is important. I took the medicine, isn't that enough?" He pleaded again, thinking that he very well could try to convince Virgil one more time.
"No it's not. And you always say that it's important that you finish your work, and maybe it is, but your health is more important. So you are either going to bed or you can watch a movie with me and the other sides." Virgil reached his hands out towards Logan, who took them in his, allowing Virgil to help him up. Logan coughed some more before answering that between those two choices watching a movie seemed like the best one. That answer seemed to satisfy Virgil because he kissed Logan on the cheek (and when Logan protested because maybe that would make him sick too Virgil only shrugged.)

Virgil let go of one of his hands but kept his fingers entwined with the other one of Logan's hands. Logan was happy that Virgil was comfortable enough to hold his hand and kiss him and other things, he himself always felt silly and awkward when trying to do something like that. He had told Virgil about this and luckily he didn't seem to mind that Logan sucked at providing everything a boyfriend should be able to provide. Logan had then said he'd love to learn and Virgil had told him that he'd love to help.

So Logan squeezed his hand lightly and let him lead the way to the mind scape's living room where Roman and Patton were waiting for them. Patton said something about how he was surprised that Virgil had managed to get Logan away from his work, and then he proceeded to tease Logan for having a weak spot for Virgil. Logan did his best to ignore that but it had made Virgil smirk.

Virgil sat down on the couch, dragging Logan down with him. Logan then proceeded to cuddle up close to him. During the time they had been together he had learned that Virgil loves cuddling, which was adorable to say the least.

Roman started the movie and Virgil put a blanket over them both. He had probably felt Logan shiver. And even though Logan had said he wouldn't sleep he may or may not have fallen asleep within the two first minutes of the movie.

Written: 28th January 2018
Published: 1st March 2018
Words: 1194

This isn't v good but I kinda like it anyways???



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Also sorry I didn't upload yesterday, I have spring break this week and am away from home and had used like all of my mobile data so I couldn't go on wattpad😂 but now it's the 1st march so I got new mobile data for this month

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