[90] - Late

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I had to lmao

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I had to lmao


Virgil woke up slowly, knowing he was awake but not opening his eyes and accepting it. He was incredibly comfortable and warm, and the warm body of his husband was next to him. Virgil could hear his slow, calm breaths. He opened his eyes. It was still half dark outside and he reached out a hand and fumbled to find the switch on the lamp by his bedside table. He found it and a second later the room was bathing in a low light.

Virgil rolled over onto his side, eyes falling on the sleeping figure of his husband. Virgil smiled when seeing him. Despite having been dating for ten years and married for five he would never tired of waking up to find Logan next to him.

Logan's lips were slightly parted and his hair was a mess, as it always was. Virgil loved his bedhead, he found it adorable no matter what Logan said. Virgil shuffled closer to Logan, pressing a kiss to his cheek and running a hand through his soft hair which only made it messier.

Virgil yawned, seeing Logan's lashes flutter the tiniest bit which told Virgil that he was on his way to wake up. Virgil reluctantly retracted his hand from Logan's mess of a bedhead and simply observed how peaceful he looked as he slept. Virgil debated reaching for his phone to take a photo of him to update his phone's background picture which was currently a picture of Logan passed out on the couch after having graded tests for several hours (Virgil hadn't been able to help himself), but he deemed it too much work to do so.

Logan opened his eyes a smidge, letting out a soft groan. He was still for a moment, closing his eyes again. Then suddenly he bolted up into a sitting position.

"Shit, I'm late for school!" He shouted, almost having pulled the covers off of himself before another thought seemed to hit him and his movement froze.

"Wait, I'm twenty-seven years old, I don't go to school." Logan said slowly. He blinked twice and then flopped back down against the mattress with a groan.

Virgil giggled quietly at Logan, wondering when reality would catch up to him. He was also tempted to ask what Logan had dreamt to make his think he's back in school as a student. It only took a few seconds, and then Logan's eyes widened in realization.

"I'm the teacher!" He then yelled, sitting back up again and Virgil couldn't help but to burst out laughing as Logan threw the covers off of himself, almost falling out of bed in his hurry to get ready. Logan gave him a grumpy glance as he put his pants on. Logan then stalked out of the bedroom shirtless and Virgil heard the door to the bathroom open and the tap by the sink turning on.

Still laughing at him Virgil slowly got out of bed too. He didn't actually need to get up yet but if he knew Logan right, which he should by now, he knew that he would rush to work without eating. He didn't bother to get dressed, he'd slept in his pajamas and didn't see the point in getting dressed yet.

He slowly made his way into the kitchen where Logan was, most likely according to Virgil's knowing of his husbands habits, trying to make his hair lie down and look slightly professional. He turned the coffee maker on and while the coffee was being made he opened the fridge, taking out butter, cheese, cucumber and salad, beginning to make a sandwich for Logan just to make sure his husband would be having breakfast.

Virgil turned on the radio at the same time as he heard Logan rush out from the bathroom and into their bedroom, probably to put on the rest of his clothes now when his hair was under control.

Two minutes later when Virgil had poured up coffee into a thermos, wrapped Logan's sandwich in sandwich paper and cleaned up from the table Logan half ran into the room.

"Virgil have you seen my-" Logan began. Virgil grinned and pointed towards the end of their kitchen table which was always littered with letters, commercials and other things they got in the mail, plus Logan's backpack which often found its way onto the table, somehow.

"Your backpack is over there, don't forget your laptop. I think it's in the living room." Virgil said.

"Ah." Logan made an u-turn and came back a moment later with his laptop in his hands.

"Sorry for not waking you, I didn't know what time it was." Virgil said. He really should make a habit out of checking what time it was when he woke up.

"It's alright, V. I have only myself to blame for forgetting to check if my alarm was on last night." Logan said as he put his laptop in his backpack. Virgil took two steps up to him.

"Here's a thermos with coffee to help you get through the day," Virgil said, stopping Logan in the hallway, "and here's a sandwich that you can eat on the bus or when you get to work."

"Oh, thank you! What would I do without you? Logan said with a bright smile despite being stressed. He pulled Virgil in for a quick kiss, that might have lasted a few seconds longer than it was supposed to due to Virgil kissing back more enthusiastically than Logan had probably counted on.

Then Logan found the strength to take a step back. Virgil grinned at him and handed Logan the coffee and the sandwich which Logan then packed down in his backpack where he most likely also had, homework for his students, tests to grade, and a lot of pens and pencils.

"Come home quickly, since it's friday I'm gonna make something we don't eat very often but I know you like a lot, as a small celebration as we are both off work this weekend." Virgil said, fixing Logan's hastily tied tie and folding down the collar.

"You're wonderful." Logan said with a smile and a sigh.

"Thanks, I know." Virgil said, sticking his tongue out for a second, booping Logan's nose with his index finger. "Now get to work, you're already late."

"I'll see you soon. I love you, Verge." He said, pressing a kiss to Virgil's cheek before throwing his backpack over his shoulder and walking out of the kitchen and to the door out of their apartment.

"Bye! I love you too." Virgil shouted after him, and a second later Logan was out the door and Virgil was left alone, not really knowing what to do now since he didn't have work today. He did need to go to the shop, but not until after lunch.

Right. Virgil was going back to bed.


Written: 24th January 2019
Published: 5th February 2019
Words: 1193

Writing fanfiction and referring to virgil or logan as 'his husband' is therapeutic

also ffffuckfuckcuckcuckfucfcfcffcku i think my motivation killed itself yesterday which does not bode well for me when it comes to school

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