[193] - Hoodie

579 41 52

preromantic or possibly platonic ur choice i guess

Warnings: no


Virgil really did not mean to pry or anything, but seeing Logan's door ajar at two in the morning, with light streaming out onto the floor from the gap, he can't help but peek inside.

The ceiling light was on, lighting up the entire room, showing Logan's messy bookshelves with books stacked together in no particular order and a wide arrangement of logical puzzles and tv show figurines (the complete opposite from what Virgil had expected to see the first time he set foot in Logan's room), his well made and clearly empty bed, the many, many, glow-in-the-dark stars stuck to his ceiling.

And Logan himself, slumped over in his desk, head resting in his arms.

Virgil pushed the door open a bit more, stepping into the room. He knew Logan had reassured him he was always welcome in his room would he want to visit, but it still felt like he was intruding, doing something forbidden. He walked closer to Logan, hearing him snore softly from his spot in his desk chair. 

Virgil rolled his eyes despite no one being around.

If there is one thing Virgil's friendship with Logan has taught him it is that the logical side is a hypocrite. He could, and would, lecture all the other sides and Thomas about overworking themselves and not following proper sleeping schedules, but he never seemed to care that much about his own health.

Virgil worried his lower lip between his teeth, wondering if he should be waking Logan up and getting him into bed. It couldn't be good for him to sleep sitting by his desk, but awkward and generally anxious as Virgil was he reached out to poke Logan's arm and when the other gave no sign of waking up decided that he had tried and didn't dare to do anything else.

What if Logan would be mad that Virgil had gone into his room, or mad that he had woken him up? Knowing that, logically, Logan wouldn't be angry didn't do much to soothe Virgil.

Logan was cold though, always keeping his room cool despite the short sleeved shirts he always wore. Virgil looked around the room, not spotting as much as a single blanket and he suspected it was possible that Logan did not own any warm shirts. 

No matter the temperature of the mind scape Virgil had never once in his entire existence seen Logan actually wear something else than his normal outfit. Except for the unicorn onesie, but that was something Logan was actually touchy about, so Virgil would definitely not go searching for that one.

While cringing at how awkward he felt Virgil pulled his hoodie off and carefully draped it over Logan's shoulders, begging that the other side wouldn't wake up. Having done that he hurried out of the room, turning the lights off and pushing Logan's door shut, while internally screaming the entire way back to his own room.

What was Logan going to think when he woke up in the morning? Was it not kind of creepy for Virgil to go into his room while he was asleep? Was it weird to leave his hoodie there?

He almost considered going back and removing any traces of having set foot in there, but the thought of being caught taking the hoodie back was even more embarrassing than Logan waking up with his hoodie tomorrow.

Virgil changed into pajamas and rolled himself into a cocoon of blankets, watching youtube and doing his best not to think until he eventually fell asleep. 

Virgil woke up nearing eleven in the morning, which was almost early for him. He stayed buried in his blankets, scrolling through tiktok on his phone for another hour, until there was a knock on his door that startled him.

It was probably just one of the other sides coming to tell him it was lunch time, but he quickly untangled himself from the blankets and hurried to the door anyway. What if something had happened?

He looked around his room, searching for his hoodie which he usually always threw on before showing himself to anyone, but after a second he remembered the previous evening, which made him feel far more nervous about opening his door and facing another side.

Virgil steeled himself for potential awkwardness and pushed his door open a bit, unsurprisingly coming face to face with Logan. Just his luck. 

Ignoring the desire to go back to bed and hide under all his blankets he pushed his door open a bit more, so as to not seem like he was hiding away in embarrassment over showing that he cared for Logan. Damn it, why did he feel embarrassed about caring about the other sides?

"Morning, L.'' He said, trying to sound unbothered and as if he wasn't mildly panicking inside.

"Good, um, ...morning." Logan said, looking like he did not entirely agree with what he had just said, but then again the logical side often woke up at the unreasonable hour of seven in the morning.

"I came to return this." He then continued and Virgil looked down long enough to realize Logan was holding his folded up hoodie in his hand.

"Oh, right. Thanks." Virgil said, sure his entire face was going pink. Logan handed him the hoodie and Virgil took it gratefully, immediately putting it on. Any situation felt less daunting when he was wearing his hoodie.

"And this," Logan said and gave him a cup of coffee that he had been carrying in his other hand, "because I'm guessing you did not go to bed particularly early."

"Thanks." Virgil repeated, taking the coffee, sending Logan a small smile to at least attempt to show that Logan's thoughtfulness meant something (a lot) to him. He didn't want to come off as ungrateful by how bad he was at showing gratitude. 

They stood in silence for a few seconds, Virgil not knowing what else to say.

"I suppose I just... wanted to let you know that your display of care was appreciated and did not go unnoticed." Logan finally said.

"Oh, well, of course. We're friends, right? I care about you." Virgil said and shrugged. Logan's tiny but very sincere and soft smile at his words made being vulnerable worth it.

"I care for you too, Virgil." He said, then cleared his throat.

"Roman wanted me to tell you lunch is ready in twenty minutes." Logan added, then giving Virgil a small nod before leaving.

Virgil retreated back into his room, wondering if it was healthy how hard his heart would beat after such short conversations with the logical side. Virgil shrugged that thought away and took a sip of his coffee. 

It was a problem for future Virgil to worry about.


Written: 17th May 2021
Published: 28th July 2021
Words: 1176

hdhdfjh cant believe im an entire adult with a (summer) job and im getting like paid for real and making moneyyyyy

Getting my first paycheck was....n i c e

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