[93] - Shimmering Rocks And Rays Of Sunshine

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You guys are awesome, never forget that

Like, I really love all of you

Warnings: such soft boys


Maybe Logan should find his feelings for Virgil inconvenient or illogical. There were certainly a lot of fans that thought that would be his reaction (which Logan had discovered when using tumblr) but he just couldn't think of it like that.

Maybe it was because of the fact that Virgil's presence, his smile, the rare times when he was close enough to touch Logan (their arms brushing, a hand on his shoulder, etc) always caused a strange feeling to spread through his gut and his chest. It was not a bad feeling.

When asking Patton about it the moral trait had referred to the phenomenon as 'butterflies'.

Or, more specifically, he had said, 'Oh, you get butterflies in your stomach because of Virgil? How cute!'

Then again who would really mind a rush of dopamine, serotonin, and norepinephrine, which was what the brain sent out through ones body when in love.

Logan had no idea whether or not Virgil even felt remotely the same way. He was not the best when it came to judging the feelings others felt, his own were hard enough to pinpoint and understand at times.

He had asked Patton about that too, because Logan supposed that if anyone would be able to make an educated guess about Virgil's feelings towards him it would be Patton. Sadly all he had told Logan was 'Why don't you ask him yourself?' which Logan was not sure what to make of.

Either he did think that there was a chance Virgil felt the same and therefore he was telling Logan to take his chance while he could. Or he simply wanted Logan to deal with his feelings himself so that he only had himself to blame if things did not go well.

Since Logan had no better options than to do what Patton had said (at least he could not come up with any better solutions) Logan had finally told himself that he better just get this over with and make an attempt at a relationship of some sorts with Virgil.

Logan would rather do that than take his chances waiting to see if Virgil ever asked him out. He got the feeling that the embodiment of anxiety would be hesitant to come up to him and ask Logan how he felt for him. No, he did not want to wait for something that might never happen. Doing what Patton had said and taking matters into his own hands was certainly his best option.

Though it had only taken Logan a day or two to realize that he was still facing a very big problem.

This problem that he had not been prepared to face happened to be the whole 'tell Virgil about your feelings' since even if he had a fairly clear picture in his head about what he should say, the words just refused to leave him. He became tongue tied.

Now as someone who usually had it quite easy speaking this stumped him. Talking and making his point heard was what he was used to doing when having something to communicate. Things got a whole lot more difficult when he could not rely on his ability to speak.

He had tried to speak to Virgil a number of times. But every time the opportunity arose and he found himself alone in a room with Virgil the words caught in his throat and he ended up simply standing there awkwardly, Virgil giving him a weird look before leaving.

But today he was going to get over that and tell Virgil how he felt. Since planning out how he was going to tell him had not worked he was simply going to attempt this without any preparation. And after having decided on this tactic he just had to find a good opportunity to speak to Virgil.

Virgil/Logan | Sanders Sides [One-Shots]Where stories live. Discover now