[160] - Sleepless

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Warnings: no?, sleeping problems i guess


One thing that Logan had recently, very recently, realized was that he had a very hard time falling asleep without his husband being at home, and what had helped him come to this realization was the fact that his husband was at a work trip over the weekend and Logan had got barely any sleep in the last thirty five hours. 

All the short moments of sleep added together he might've got two hours of sleep last night, which was not enough for him to feel functional but at least coffee made him feel alive.

Of course he might just be having a bad weekend rest-wise, but Logan doubted it since he rarely had any issues sleeping for the past few years. Not since... well, not since moving in together with Virgil ten years ago. Might still be a coincidence, Virgil wasn't gone often enough for Logan to have any proper evidence that the reason Logan couldn't sleep was because Virgil wasn't currently at home.

His husband would be home in a few hours though, arriving back home at the inconvenient time of four in the morning. Logan would love to call him and talk to him, just to hear his voice, but he was likely sleeping on the train back and Logan didn't want to disturb his husbands sleep.

But as soon as said husband got back home Logan would get to hear his wonderful voice and he could demand cuddles until he fell asleep. Hopefully it would work. Logan couldn't think of anything else that would work. Not even sleeping while hugging Virgil's pillow got him to sleep for very long but in the very least it had granted him the two hours of sleep he'd gotten last night.

Tonight Logan had yet to sleep but he wasn't actively trying either, it didn't seem worth it when he could already guess the outcome, which is why he had spent the day and evening eating pizza and watching Lord Of The Rings, not having had the energy to do anything productive except for the laundry and the dishes.

Now he was watching the third Harry Potter movie while curled up on the couch, feeling not half asleep but instead half awake which was very different somehow. He stared at the screen and tried to focus on what was going on in the movie.

Then Logan awoke a bit disoriented and confused, not at all prepared to have fallen asleep on the couch, and he wondered what had woken him up. Maybe his glasses uncomfortably Then he heard the sound of their front door shut and Logan couldn't help a smile. He hurried out to the hallway, finding his husband turned away from him while locking the door and he had to restrain himself from jumping him.

Who would've thought he became this clingy with one weekend away from Virgil? Then again he became a lot more clingy when tired too, and right now he was exhausted so that likely had something to do with it too.

"I'm home- oh." Virgil began, surprised when he turned around and immediately found himself holding onto an armful of Logan who had near thrown himself at his husband.

"I've missed you." He murmured and Virgil dropped his backpack to hastily hug him back, kissing his temple.

"I've missed you too." Virgil let go of him far too soon, taking his jacket and shoes off while Logan waited. He hugged himself, feeling more impatient than he should, but he really only wanted to drag Virgil to bed so they could both sleep. Virgil hung up his jacket, turning back to Logan with a smile. He cupped Logan's face in his hands, frowning then, likely at the state of him.

"Love, you look exhausted, you really did not have to stay awake until I got home." Virgil said, and Logan wished that he had had a say in the matter.

"No, need you, can't sleep." Logan mumbled, thinking that since he'd only gotten a few hours of sleep during the whole weekend he didn't need to put energy on speaking whole sentences. 

"How much sleep have you gotten?" Virgil asked, sounding a little concerned which was justified. He dropped his hands from Logan's face and put an arm tightly around his waist.

"Four and a half hours, not consecutive." Logan said, adding together the sleep he got last night with the sleep he had managed to get before Virgil's return had woken him up again.

"...Tonight or the whole weekend?" Was Virgil's follow up question and Logan remained silent, sure that Virgil would rather not know but also sure that his lack of words was telling.

"Alright, bed." Virgil said immediately and Logan gladly allowed Virgil to gently shove him towards their room, an arm around him as he almost dragged Logan to the bedroom. 

"My brain just wouldn't turn itself off." Logan said, hiding a huge yawn behind his hand, leaning against Virgil who staggered at the unexpected weight. 

"Why are you so heavy?" He asked and Logan sighed as he pulled his shirt off.

"Because I'm a fully grown human, even if a short one." Logan said getting his pants and socks off too, sitting down on their bed. Virgil got undressed too and joined him, pulling their covers up and over them as he simultaneously pushed Logan down onto his back. Virgil laid down with his head on Logan's chest as if he was a pillow and his arm thrown around him.

Yes, Logan thought sleeping like this was much preferable than sleeping alone, and sure enough he soon fell asleep, finally getting enough sleep as Virgil would insist on calling in sick for the both of them in the morning, claiming they needed a day to nap and be lazy (which Logan wouldn't mind in the least).


Written: 9th, 11th, 17th December 2019
Published: 19th January 2020
Words: 1055

My mom says she has a really hard time falling asleep when my dad isn't home, but that as soon as she hears him brush his teeth she falls asleep lmao

Give me oneshot ideas/prompts (I don't promise to write them, but I might)

lately my writing sucksss and is eww and I'm writing much less than I wish i was ):

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