[64] - Thinking Clearly

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I've had this idea in my ideas chapter for many, many months, like, this is.....an old idea

Warnings: alcohol, drunk, drunk kissing, slight awkwardness

Summary: Logan becomes very affected and influenced when Thomas drinks alcohol

This is pretty rused tbh, sorry

Important stuff at the bottom :D


When thomas get drunk all logic gets thrown out the window.

Logan knows that very well, he had first hand knowledge of that fact, and he had done his best to make Thomas stay home instead of going to a party with his friends. Thomas could have finally cleaned his home or filmed a video, but no, Roman and Patton had convinced him that the right thing to do was to go out and drink with his friends.

All this had annoyed Logan a while ago. It didn't matter any more. Or, more accurately, he no longer cared that it mattered. It just didn't seem important anymore. He knew why, of course he did. He was the first one to be affected when Thomas drank alcohol. Things he normally cared about stoped being that important.

He wasn't thinking logically at the moment. He definitely wasn't thinking logically while moving towards Virgil's room.

He knows that's bad, and that he will definitely not agree to this tomorrow. He might even regret it tomorrow, but at the moment he thinks that going to Virgil's room is a great idea. And there is also a part of him that thinks that this is a good opportunity, because if he doesn't do it now, when will he ever have the courage to show Virgil how he feels?


It's late, and Virgil knows he should go to bed, after all Roman and Patton promised to take care of Thomas tonight, they said they wouldn't let him do anything stupid, and Virgil has chosen to trust them. Mostly because he needs a day off where he doesn't have anything to worry about, so his plan is to stay up half the night, laughing at memes that he comes across on his tumblr feed.

But then there is a knock on his door, and during the time it takes him to get off his bed and to the door he imagines every single thing that could have gone wrong. Oh god, Thomas is probably dying. Or maybe they let him call his ex, or a stranger bought him a drink! Who knows what could be in a drink from a stranger?

Thankfully it is only Logan, he sees when he opens the door. And he is smiling, so Virgil doesn't think that anyone is dying. He disregarded a stubborn voice in the back of his head that whispered about how wonderful it was to see Logan actually, genuinely, smile. He steps aside, allowing Logan inside, and closes the door behind him.

Then Virgil turns towards Logan, about to ask him if there is anything he want, but as soon as he does so Logan leans really close to him. Logan's lips are pressed against his before he has the time to react, and he lets his eyes flutter shut instinctively.

Virgil can't help but to kiss back. He had imagined how it would feel to kiss Logan for ages, and now he could truthfully say that it's better than anything his mind has been able to come up with. Virgil let his hands rest against Logan's chest, allowing Logan to deepen the kiss and run a hand through his hair, tugging lightly at the purple strands.

They separate for a moment, staring at each other, and Virgil takes a slightly shaky breath. His brain is still trying to catch up with what just happened, but he decides to leave rational thought behind and closes the gap between them. Logan enthusiastically kisses him, his hands wandering down his back and then resting on his waist. But sadly Virgil's common sense is catching up with him, and he pushes Logan back, realizing that he should not do anything while not thinking clearly, and he was definitely not thinking clearly with Logan's tongue licking into his mouth.

Virgil/Logan | Sanders Sides [One-Shots]Where stories live. Discover now