[56] - Flirting

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Uhhh idk tbh and also I know NOTHING about flirting so this is really, really horrible

Hell- I mean school starts in three days ahaha need to cry some more about that (:

Warnings: flirting(?), implied smut I guess, swearing because honestly when do I not publish something without swearing


Out of all the things you would expect from Logic and Anxiety, flirting openly and saying very suggestive things certainly weren't one of them. And yet here they were, flirting.

It was night, the other sides had gone to bed, and left Virgil and Logan alone. They had decided to stay up for another while, after all, Logan needed to finish what he was working on and Virgil was helping him. Now, maybe they had not intended to stay up until 2 am, but that was what time it was when Logan finally saved their work and turned his laptop off.

Despite knowing that it was late, and that the most reasonable thing to do was to go to bed, and that they would regret it when they woke up tired in the morning, they stayed up. That was not anything that was intended either (but neither was the flirting that would begin soon) but they were talking, casually and calmly, and accidentally got engulfed in their conversation. Sleeping seemed so much more dull than the others company.

So there they were sat, laughing and chatting together. And they were somehow so much more comfortable around each other than they had been a few weeks ago. It was funny how quick they had became incredibly close friends. Their light banter continued until Virgil tried recommending getting some sleep.

"Well, we should go to bed, are you coming?" He had not meant for it to sound so suggestive, and he had in no way tried to imply that they should go to bed together. As in in the same bed. Virgil was completely ready to let his anxiety rage freely and started to ramble about how he didn't mean it like that, but to his immense surprise Logan smirked instead of looking uncomfortable.

"Oh, wouldn't you want that." He said, not breaking eye contact for even a second. Virgil, at first, stared at him for a moment before laughing and raising an eyebrow. There was a chance that Logan had only said that to not make him feel embarrassed, which did work, but he wasn't going to let Logan have the last word.

"Maybe I do. You are certainly not a bad sight." He said, he too smirking, looking Logan up and down to really get his point across. He realized it was a completely honest remark too, Logan was good looking with all his small eccentricities, and he felt quite accomplished when seeing a slight blush spread across Logan's face.

"You're not so bad yourself, I wouldn't mind seeing what's below all those layers of clothing."

Shit. This was certainly not some light innocent flirting. This was something that could lead to something more. And it almost confused him how little that thought scared him. He did not mind at all that their conversation had somehow swayed into this, whatever it was.

"Then maybe I could help you with that." Virgil said, definitely intending what he said to be as suggestive as possible and there was no way that Logan could not see that too.

"No objections from me." Logan said. The two of them were now sitting considerably closer than they had when they had started this conversation, which neither of them minded at all. Logan let one of his hands rest on Virgil's knee, and Virgil refused to show how that small action spread warmth through his whole body.

"I have to say that our conversation took a quick and unexpected turn, but I really don't mind." He said, his smirk not faltering.

"Neither do I, this is a most welcome turn of events. And you are certainly intriguing, Virgil." There was something with how he said his name and how close they were sat that made Virgil shiver. Of course that did not go unnoticed by Logan, who just leaned in closer to him.

Virgil knew very well where this were going by now, and he did not care at all. He wanted Logan to kiss him, he needed it, so he looked at him in an almost challenging way, as if he was daring Logan to close the little distance that was left between them.

So, naturally Logan did just that. He grabbed Virgil's face between his hands and kissed him in a way that simply took his breath away. Virgil was quick to kiss back, leaning more into Logan's space and letting his arms sneak around his waist. He placed his hands on his back, which made it easier to press Logan closer to him.

Logan kissed him with far more passion than he had expected from the logical trait, and he loved it. He loved the feeling of their lips pressed together, Logan's tongue exploring his mouth and the feelings it made him experience. They kissed until they were both flustered and out of breath and had abandoned any thought about attempting to sleep anytime soon. Logan broke the kiss, standing up and pulling Virgil up with him.

"So, bed. Are you coming?" Logan said, clearly not intending them to do much sleeping. Smirking yet again he caused Virgil to shiver for a second time. He made no attempt at all to stop Logan from dragging him along to his room and he definitely did not complain when he was pushed onto Logan's bed.


Written: 8th June 2018
Published: 17th August 2018
Words: 977

Whoops, would you look at that

How old are you guys? I wanna know the ages of my readers

Also shit I'm close to 300 followers??? Why lmao

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