[89] - Out

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Casual reminder that i do NOT have requests open, please do not ask me to write any of your ideas because saying no makes me feel bad and I'm scared of sounding rude when telling you that 'I don't want to write your idea, so I'm not gonna'

Thank u in advance <3

human au

Warnings: homophobia, homophobic parents, tears, crying, hurt/comfort???, kind off not "happy" ending i suppose?, but not really like it's all good


Virgil looked down on the ground, staring at a tiny plant that had pushed through the old, worn down asphalt that the sidewalk was made of. He knew that the sooner he kept walking the sooner this would all be over, but he had had to take a moment to breathe. If that small weed could survive growing on a sidewalk where people frequently walked, then Virgil should be able to survive doing this.

"Remember that we do not need to do this. We can wait for however long you want until you feel ready." Said a voice next to him. Virgil saw Logan's hand come into view as it grasped Virgil's, which was balled into a fist to make it less obvious that it was trembling. Virgil raised his gaze, looking his boyfriend right in his eyes and shaking his head.

"No. I wa- I need to do this." Virgil said, relaxing his hand and allowing Logan to entwine their fingers. Logan squeezed his hand reassuringly.

"I might be anxious about this. More anxious than I'm letting on. But I can't stand hearing them talk about my future girlfriend one more time. I am so tired of hearing them say horrible things every time the news mention anything to do with lgbtq+. I know this probably won't end well, but I am eighteen years old, I've got a job and I make my own money. And I have to tell them this now or it'll be revealed in a worse way at a worse time. I just..." Virgil quieted for a second or two.

"I just wish I wasn't such a disappointment to them." He mumbled, then letting a deep sigh slip between his slightly parted lips. It was not a lie. He was his parents only child, and nothing like they had hoped. He had anxiety, he hated sports and loved reading and drawing, he had no interests whatsoever in girls. It was a punch in the gut every time his mom mentioned how happy she would be when Virgil eventually found a girlfriend.

Logan let go of his hand, and Virgil for a moment thought Logan was going to be angry about the way he spoke of himself. Instead he felt Logan's arms around his middle, pulling him in close. Virgil closed his eyes, then feeling Logan's lips brush against his cheek and he let himself be held by Logan for a little while.

"If they think you're a disappointment then they are wrong. Anyone who cannot see how amazing you are needs to rethink their ability to judge others. To me you are perfect. No matter how this goes, I'm here for you." Logan said lowly. Virgil pressed his face into the crook of Logan's neck, wrapping his own arms around Logan and simply enjoyed the feeling of having his boyfriend so close.

"I love you, you know that, right?" Logan then said. Virgil smiled.

"Yeah, I know. I love you too." He stepped out of the embrace, taking Logan's hand again. He took one step past the weed, then continuing down the street. They were about a hundred meters away from Virgil's home. It had never been so hard to walk home from school before.

At least he had Logan with him, and even if he didn't want to inconvenience Logan since he could be doing more productive things (like studying) he was still happy that he didn't have to walk here and face his parents alone. He could see his home, and he knew that both his parents were already home, waiting for him.

There was no point at all in postponing the inevitable, so Virgil marched right up to the house with the uncomfortable feeling of being very aware of his own heartbeat that he always got when anxious. Virgil stopped a step away from the door, taking a breath, turning to Logan.

Virgil/Logan | Sanders Sides [One-Shots]Where stories live. Discover now