[80] - Birthday

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Birthday boye!!

Happy birthday Verge!!

Brought to you by me, who wants to go ice skating

Warnings: literally pure fluff so none


Logan put his glasses on approximately seven minutes after waking up, which meant he will not be falling back asleep. Though he suspected he won't be leaving bed soon either, because a certain someone was sleeping on his right arm, and this someone also hated waking up.

He let his eyes wander over the side next to him, observing how relaxed he looked when sleeping. He looked younger, as he always did when without his makeup. Logan loved to see him this calm, and he loved to be able to look at Virgil without said trait hiding his face or frowning at him. Virgil always got so flustered if he noticed Logan observing him, but quite honestly, Logan could not help himself, because Virgil was too handsome for him to take his eyes off of him.

Logan rolled over onto his side, coming face to face with Virgil. He caressed his cheek, but Virgil did not stir, he kept soundly sleeping. Logan would like to free his arm before it fell asleep and that annoying prickling feeling spread through his limb. Logan pressed the smallest of kisses to Virgil's nose, and as a result Virgil scrunched his nose in the most adorable way.

Logan pulled him closer and Virgil mumbled something unintelligible, letting Logan know that he was on his way to wake up. Clearly Virgil did not want to be pulled from unconsciousness just yet, because he burrowed his face into Logan's chest and threw an arm over his head to keep the light away. Logan chuckled quietly and kissed the top of his head.

"Good morning." He murmured softly, wondering if he would even get a reply to that. Virgil was the opposite of a morning person, and it was almost impossible to talk to him before he had drank a cup of coffee.

"No." The response was low, his voice was raspy with sleep and he lifted his arm and pouted at Logan.

"Happy birthday." Logan continued, and Virgil let out a small grunt. Then Virgil shifted, tilting his head up and opening his eyes a smidge to look at him. He blinked several times and then he peered up at him.

"What?" Virgil wondered, clearly not yet awake enough to comprehend what Logan was actually telling him. He grinned down at his sleepy boyfriend that was again blinking up at him, trying to focus his eyes most likely. Logan leaned closer and captured Virgil's lips in a slow kiss. He felt Virgil's hands grip to his shirt, and Virgil's lips were soft as they moved with his.

"Happy birthday." He told him again when they had separated, and this time Virgil seemed to be understanding him. Though he still did not really get much of a reaction, just another quiet mumble, too quiet for him to hear what he was actually saying. Logan wasn't actually entirely sure he had said a real word.

Virgil's eyes had shut again, and he looked like he was attempting to fall back asleep. It was most likely what he was doing too, Virgil almost always tried to roll over to sleep some more when Logan tried to wake him. Logan did not care much for that though, he was used to it and knew that he could just as well keep talking.

"What do you want to do today?" He wondered, asking because he needed to know if there was anything Virgil would prefer doing, because if not then Logan had a few suggestions for how they could spend the day, and a certain one in mind that he had wanted to make reality for quite some time.

"Sleep in." Virgil mumbled stubbornly, causing Logan to laugh. He wrapped his free arm around Virgil in a sort of hug, or whatever such a thing would be called while the two were lying down. He then relaxed down on his back, finally freeing his other arm from beneath Virgil.

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