[124] - School Dance

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Human au

Warnings: bit of homophobia I suppose, immature teens mentioning semen in literally the first line

I don't really know what american school dances are like but I tried lol


"Ew, the soap looks like semen!" A guy exclaimed loudly and Logan didn't bother even glancing at the group of guys huddled together in the corner by one of the sinks in the boys bathroom.

"If you use soap you're gay!" Another one immediately yelled, the guys moving away from the sinks quick enough for more than one of them to stumble on their way to safety. They acted as if they were actually afraid that the soap would come alive and attack them, which would obviously mean they would be contaminated with 'gay' and better off dead.

Logan bitterly washed his hands and made his way out of the bathroom, slightly wishing he was deaf, at least then he wouldn't have to hear just how annoying and stupid many people his age were.

He hated being homosexual when so many teens around him made it out to be the most horrible thing. The fact that at least a few of his classmates would look at him in disgust if they knew he was gay... well, there was no use in dwelling on it. Logan just wished that people would shut up. Sometimes he felt as if hearing people speak made him lose brain cells.

Since he still had a considerable amount of time left of his lunch break Logan steered his steps towards the emptiest and quietest place in the school: the library. As always the library was quite empty, Logan greeted the librarian who happily waved back and went to the corner where there was a couch that was partially shielded from the view of others.

He found his friend there, as he always did, today deeply focused on some fantasy book. Logan sat down heavily, slumping against the backrest.

"Virgil, I think you are definitely the only other intelligent being in this whole school." He said. Virgil scoffed but did not lift his eyes from the page.

"My grades doesn't agree, but alright." He mumbled, turning the page. Logan could see his eyes dart over the page, taking in the words. Logan involuntarily smiled at him (not that he actually tried to stop himself from doing it, he just had not planned to, and he was glad Virgil didn't see it).

"You would have hated to be in biology class with me today." Virgil said, his words puncturing the silence around them and bringing Logan back into reality quickly.

"Oh, dare I ask why?" He said, leaning his head in his hand and pretending he hadn't been looking at Virgil this whole time when he looked up.

"Well, for starters one guy said that giraffes did not exist, and then he spent ten minutes explaining how they were fake and invented by the government. I think at least two people actually believed him and I've never before wanted to hit my head against the table so much." He gave Logan a stare that spoke of utter disappointment in humanity.

Logan bit his lip not to smile (again). This was not the first time Virgil had said that. Actually, just earlier this week he'd said the same thing.

Not to mention the time when they had math together and another student asked a dumb enough question for Virgil to actually bang his head down against the table they were sitting at. Virgil had had a bruise on his forehead for days but had still insisted it'd been the only correct response.

Logan probably would've done the same if he hadn't had to take a moment to make sure Virgil hadn't gotten a concussion.

Virgil had now turned his attention back to his book, chewing on his bottom lip as he read, which Logan knew was a tell tale sign that events in the story were not unfolding as Virgil had hoped. Logan, with a sting of regret, thought that leaving his own book in his locker had been an unwise idea.

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