[181] - Comfort

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Warnings: slight insecurity if u squint I guess, bad day?

Logan stealing virgils hoodie is one of the best prompts ever and u can't convince me otherwise


It had been a very warm day before the bad weather had rolled in, and Virgil had been dumb enough to leave his hoodie at home before leaving for the whole two classes he had today, thinking that he'd manage two and a half hours before getting uncomfortable enough to need his hoodie, that he'd only end up sweating a horrible amount if he wore it.

He'd ended up uncomfortable anyway, but manageable, and regretted leaving it at home, even more so on the way home to his and his roommates apartment as it started to pour down rain, the wind picked up, and in the distance thunder rumbled.

His t-shirt didn't do much to protect him from the rain, the wind making him colder than he'd thought it would, and Virgil thought to himself that maybe he should start looking the weather up before leaving home. Having an umbrella with him sounded quite nice right now.

Twenty minutes later he stepped into the apartment, only wheezing a little bit (or a lot) after having to take the stairs three floors, and closed and locked the door behind him, kicking his shoes off and leaving wet footprints and drops of water on the floor as he went into the bathroom. 

He pulled his soaked clothes off, shivering as he stepped into the shower, taking a quick and very hot shower and then changing into pajamas and throwing his wet clothes in the washing machine, wiping the water off the floor too.

This was all way more work than Virgil had wanted, all he longed for was to put his hoodie on, make a cup of tea and sit wrapped up in a blanket on the couch, watching Lucifer or Steven Universe. Not have to put any effort in.

Virgil's roommate was nowhere to be seen, but he had seen his shoes and jacket by the door so he was probably hiding in his room, doing homework or something. He didn't go looking for him, he had no doubt heard Virgil come home anyway.

Virgil instead focused on his plan to relax and be lazy, but he got stuck on the first step because his hoodie was nowhere to be seen, it wasn't anywhere in his room and Virgil was as certain as he could be that he had left it on his bed that morning, but it wasn't there. 

He checked the rest of the apartment, the kitchen, the living room, even the bathroom. He couldn't find it and with a frown he made his way to his roommate's closed door.

"Hey, L, you decent?" He asked after knocking twice on the door.

"Oh, um, yes." His roommate's voice said from inside, sounding slightly unsure, which was unusual, but Virgil opened the door anyway. One look at Logan and his search was over. He stepped inside.

"Well, I was going to ask if you'd seen my hoodie, but I don't think I have to." Virgil said, sitting down on Logan's be where Logan was lying with his laptop, wearing the hoodie that Virgil had spent the last ten minutes looking for. Logan pushed himself up, closing his laptop where a youtube video had just been playing.

"Apologies, Virgil, I falsely assumed you didn't need it today as you left it in your room." He said, dragging the zipper down and beginning to take it off. He seemed flustered to have been caught with the hoodie, which Virgil didn't want him to be, but what concerned him more was how tired Logan looked. 

Virgil placed his hand on top of Logan's, halting his moves as he was just going to pull the sleeve from his arm. He laced their fingers together and he could see Logan still as he likely tried to figure out how to react to that. They were both equally bad at comprehending affection, awkward about it too.

Virgil/Logan | Sanders Sides [One-Shots]Where stories live. Discover now