[23] - Nightmares

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It's actually surprising that this is the first one shot I write where Roman and Patton are a thing too because that ship is honestly so cute hahah (k, all the ships are cute, though analogical is my fave)

You, reading my fics: that doesn't make sense
Me, sweating nervously: uhhh, my fanfic my rules

Summary: So what if Logan and Virgil had to share a bed? And lets add some nightmares to that too.

Trigger Warnings: nightmares & maybe panic attacks? But it's overall fluffy, don't worry.



Patton had convinced them all to go away for a weekend on a short vacation. Virgil supposed that a few days off would only do them good, they had been working hard lately and deserved a break. So Virgil, Patton, Roman and Logan we're currently in the lobby of a hotel near a beach. There was just one problem.

"What do you mean there's only two rooms left?" Patton gasped, questioning the woman who sat behind the desk. She gave them an apologetic smile.

"There was a problem with our website. You booked three rooms but there are only two rooms available. You will of course get your money back if you choose to leave." She said politely. Virgil frowned, Patton would certainly not want them to abandon their plans for the weekend. He had been very excited about this and talked a lot about what they would do down on the beach during the days. And they had taken a flight to here so going home wasn't really an option. But if they stayed that meant that they would have to share rooms.

Patton pulled the three others aside so they could discuss the topic in peace. Both Patton and Roman agreed, they wanted to stay. That didn't surprise Virgil at all, since they would have shared a bed anyways. But the two looked at Logan and Virgil, asking if they were okay with staying. Because if they did it meant that they would have to share a bed too. Patton smiled hopefully at the two of them and Virgil wasn't sure what to say. He wanted to stay too, the beach looked nice and he loved the ocean but... He glanced over at Logan who looked completely neutral. It was always impossible to read his face.

"What do you say? You'll only have to share a bed for two nights, and friends share beds all the time!" Patton said the last part while looking at Virgil and he understood that he must look as nervous as he felt. Patton was right though, Virgil wouldn't have too much of a problem with sleeping in the same bed as one of his friends. It's just the small issue that Virgil happened to feel more than platonic love towards the logical nerd. What if he said something weird in his sleep? What if he woke up cuddled to Logan?

He couldn't control what he did in his sleep and if any of that happened Virgil would just have to jump out of a window in embarrassment, there was no other solution. This wasn't the only reason for his hesitation though, he had more problems with it, but before Virgil had time to come up with a good excuse to why they should go back home Logan spoke up.

"Since the both of you-" he pointed to Roman and then Patton "-seem to be so enthusiastic over this then it would be an acceptable arrangement." He said, pushing his glasses up a bit, still showing no sign of dislike nor thrill over the thought of the bed sharing. The fact that Virgil couldn't tell what Logan thought of the idea of sleeping next to him was slightly nerve-racking. What if he actually despised the idea of having to be forced to sleep so close to Virgil and had just agreed to do it to not upset Patton and Roman?

Patton and Roman cheered at Logan's response and went up to the woman to say that they were staying. Virgil grabbed his backpack that he had put down on the floor while talking. They were only going to be here for such a short amount of time that everything he wanted to bring fit nicely into his black backpack. He carried it on his back as the woman showed them to the two rooms that were theirs. While Logan placed his luggage on a chair in a corner of the room Virgil looked around the small space they would have to share. At least the bed was big, they could make a wall with pillows so that there would be no accidental cuddling.

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